Re: Subset Data Model

> This I understand.  But there appears to be a big disconnect in the group ...
> Can I reprhase your statement that 
> "MicroXML is a new markup language that is intended to be simpler then XML and will, if successful have its own ecology" ...

I don't think that is how uXML is being characterized. It's name makes evident that it aims to be a subset of XML.
> If true, I ask  again 
> Q: What is the rationale for having it a syntax subset of XML.  What is the advantage?

As I see it, uXML is an attempt to redefine what is both necessary and sufficient in a markup language.

The advantage is defining the correct subset is that it will continue to work for with existing tool chains for a decade or more.

Moreover, it provide the correct base upon which to build a completely typed and hypertextual format.

We simply don't need DTDs or entities any longer.     
> But my confusion is from Uche ... one advantage is that it works with "all tools that work with XML 1.0."
> This implies there is an assumption that *in practice* MicroXML will "work with" *all* tools that "work with" XML 1.0.     
> Now we have to define "work with"  which is what I am trying to pry out ...
> does "work with" mean "behave identically ?"   If so ... that would seem to me the data models must be equivalent  ... and if not then who are we fooling ?
> I am happy to drop the last bit ("all tools that work with XML 1.0") which nicely solves this problem.  Then am left with 
> Q2: What is the rationale for  XML syntax compatibility ?

My existing XML 1.0 tools will be able to read uXML files. A future generation of uXML tools may hiccup on raw XML 1.0, especially if resorts to DTDs and entities. 
> OK I really am going to stop for tonight ... 

I don't see what's so hard to get about uXML.  


Received on Monday, 13 August 2012 22:26:18 UTC