Re: Subset Data Model

On 13 August 2012 23:25, Murray Maloney <> wrote:

> I don't see what's so hard to get about uXML.
> Murray

Which perhaps exemplifies the 'them and us' gap of which David Lee speaks?

A long standing beef with W3C/ISO is that they write for implementers.
Perhaps, not being a document targeted for rec status could address this
and produce the user guide to accompany a spec, to provide rationale,
explanations and 'the sales pitch'?

If uXML is written only for the expert I agree it simply won't gain traction.
For every James Clark there are 1000 Dave Pawsons in this world.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 06:16:24 UTC