No phonebridge, so another cancellation

Dear all,



Unfortunately today our phonebridge was not booked, so another cancellation
I’m afraid. Now, to get things rolling again (it’s almost June!), I expect
the following by next week:


@Yves, Thierry: are we scheduled from now on (i.e: was it a 1-time hiccup?)

@Yves: please, make progress on A-123, A-160 … it is blocking us!

@Michael: please, get the corrib tool on the expected level, so I can take

@All: please read Silvia’s latest wiki-contribution [1], so we can DISCUSS 



Talk to you all next week (when I want a ‘F2F on the phone’ … meaning ‘no
regrets’ if possible :)

For the record, today’s tiny minutes: 



Sincere greetings,


Raphaël & Erik



Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 09:46:57 UTC