RE: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 07 April, Telecon 0900 UTC

Hi all,

regrets for tomorrow, I will be in a project meeting.

Best regards,


Davy Van Deursen

Ghent University - IBBT
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab

On apr 06, 2010 at 09:27, Raphaël Troncy wrote:
> Cc: Erik Mannens
> Subject: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 07 April, Telecon 0900 
> Dear Media Fragmenters,
> Please, find below the agenda for this week telecon 
> e
> ar=2010&hour=09&min=00&sec=0&p1=0
> Actions opened:
> Only Conrad and Silvia have indicated me they would prefer to have the 
> telecon one hour later. Do you have any objections? If not, I will ask 
> to re-schedule Zakim bridge. Sorry Silvia and Conrad, this week, we 
> still maintain 09:00 UTC.
> We will mainly discuss: ACTION-152, ACTION-123, and ACTION-154 so we 
> can publish the doc this Thursday.
> We also need to schedule:
>    - the next F2F meeting (see below for the possibilities)
>    - when we would like to meet at TPAC 2010 (Thierry's reminder) 
> Please, confirm your attendance to tomorrow's telecon.
> Best regards.
>    Erik & Raphaël
> ------------
> AGENDA Teleconference
> W3C Media Fragments Working Group telephone conference 2010-04-07
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Wednesday, 07 April *09:00-10:00 UTC*
> Local time:
> e
> ar=2010&hour=09&min=00&sec=0&p1=0
> 07 April 2010, 0900 UTC
>                0200 (West US)
>                1000 (Galway)
>                1100 (Amsterdam, Sophia-Antipolis, Pretoria)
>                1800 (Tokyo)
>                2000 (Sydney)
> Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
> Bridge FR: +
> Bridge UK: +44.117.370.6152
> Conference code : 3724# (spells "FRAG") Duration : 60 minutes
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> IRC channel          : #mediafrag on
> W3C IRC Web Client   :
> Other clients are listed at
> Zakim information    :
> Zakim bridge monitor :
> Zakim IRC bot        :
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chair: Raphael
> ScribeList:
> Scribe: Conrad (On Deck: Silvia, Michael)
> Regrets: Erik, Davy
> Please note that Media Fragments WG telecons are for attendance by 
> members and invited experts only.
> 1. ADMIN:
> * Roll call
> * PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 03 March 2010 telecon:
> * PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 5th F2F meeting:
> * ACTION-119: Yves to request admins to set up a cvs notifications 
> mailing list and notifications
> * ACTION-92: Erik and Raphael to coordinate the writing of papers
> ** Postpone (new deadline is May 1st 2010)
> * Next WG F2F:
>   - 25-30 April in Raleigh, collocated with WWW (HTML5 Track?)
>   - 01-03 June in Heraklion, collocated with ESWC
>   - 14-16 June in Sophia Antipolis/Amsterdam
>   - 25-26 or 28-29 June in New York, collocated with FOMS+OVC
> * ACTION-156: Conrad to add a "bandwidth conservation use case"
> 3.1 Media Fragment URI syntax: (Yves)
> * ACTION-151: Yves to modify the production rule for the track 
> dimension in order to allow multiple semi-colon separated values
> * ACTION-152: Yves to change the formal syntax to reflect that we 
> don't need a subdelim for selecting multiple tracks but we allow 
> multiple track= in the URI
> * ACTION-153: Raphael to review the complete document and check 
> whether there are more references to uniqueness
> 3.2 Protocol for URI fragment Resolution in HTTP:
> * ACTION-123: Yves to come up with ABNF for header syntax
> * ACTION-154: Yves to add a section 5.2.4 describing his new 
> optimization
> * ACTION-137: Jack to check that 5.1 is implementable using the 
> protocol
> * ACTION-155: Davy to draw diagrams to include in the spec, similar to 
> Yves's email, that shows which bytes from the headers and body of the 
> media file are sent
> 3.3 Rendering of Media Fragments URI in UA:
> * ACTION-135: Davy, Erik to extend section 7 regarding spatial and 
> track dimension
> * ISSUE-5 [Jack]: Handling spatial cropping requires information at 
> client-side
> 3.4 Discovery of 'Track' and 'Named' fragments:
> * ISSUE-4 [Silvia]: Should we pre-define some track names?
> * Davy's strawman implementation using ROE:
> fragment/2009Nov/0014.html
> * Silvia's blog post:
> a-composite-media-resource/
> * Jack's proposal to write up that we should distinguish the mechanism 
> (ROE, MPEG-21) vs the semantics
> 4. TEST CASES: (Michael)
> * Corrib test tool:
> * ACTION-146: Jack to identify and add in corrib any missing test 
> cases for temporal fragments
> * ACTION-158: Raphael to enter the big table of all test cases for the 
> temporal dimension in the wiki
> * ACTION-147: Michael to add all MF WG members to corrib
> * ACTION-148: Michael to add a copy TC functionality in corrib
> * ACTION-149: Michael to come up with a fix for overview vs. edit 
> single TC in corrib
> * Suggestion of nasty test cases by Philip:
> fragment/2009Dec/0015.html
> 5.1 Active:
> 5.2 Non-Active:
> * ISSUE-6 [Jack]: Temporal clips that require transcoding
> * ISSUE-7 [Michael]: User Agent Media Fragment Resolution and 
> Processing
> * ISSUE-9 [Michael]: Should we have the media type inside the Test 
> Cases?
> * ISSUE-12 [Raphael]: What's the relationship between Images (CSS) 
> Sprites and the spatial dimension of the Media Fragments URI scheme?
> * ISSUE-13 [Raphael]: Write a IETF draft for proposing how to register 
> the fragment scheme for all media types
> * ISSUE-14 [Davy]: How to deal with embedded time stamps
> * ISSUE-16 [Jack]: Combining axis is probably not going to be done by 
> LC, but we should write somewhere that this is doable
> * ACTION-34: Jack to look at python-url library to see whether he 
> could implement the logic on client side
> * ACTION-35: Raphael to look at curl and/or wget to see whether the 
> logic could be implemented on client side
> * ACTION-70: Jack to commit in CVS (code directory) his python code 
> doing the parsing on client side of the media fragment
> * Someone to investigate whether he could have an implementation in 
> Javascript that does the client-side media fragments parsing?
> 7. AOB
> --
> Raphaël Troncy
> EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department 2229, route des Crêtes, 
> 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France.
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242
> Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200
> Web:

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 10:04:30 UTC