Re: Getting the MediaStream associated with a video element?

Hi Adam,

That's for the clarification. What's the actual implementation status on 
Chrome and Firefox (stable)? I ask because 
still looks for srcObject, mozSrcObject and src fields.

Is it safe to drop this code and access srcObject directly?


On 13/11/2013 1:59 AM, Adam Bergkvist wrote:
> On 2013-11-13 06:16, cowwoc wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've seen code for attaching MediaStream to a <video> element, but
>> shouldn't we also be able to do the opposite? If the following code is
>> used to attach:
>>      video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
>> how are we supposed to translate the URL back into a MediaStream?
> We don't support the createObjectURL() method of rendering a MediaStream
> anymore. The supported way is to use the srcObject attribute on the
> media elements.
> video.srcObject = stream;
> In case you can just read the srcObject attribute to get the stream.
> This topic belongs on the public-media-capture list (cc'ed). When
> replying to this message, please remove the public-webrtc list.
> /Adam

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 07:03:57 UTC