RE: [Bug 22209] "each key MUST be a valid registered constraint name in the IANA-hosted RTCWeb Media Constraints registry"

> This bug isn't about "required to implement" is it?

Thanks for responding.  I didn't write the original statement in the spec or the bug, so I can't answer.  But I do think there needs to be clarity as to what is the minimum set of constraints (if any) that a valid implementation should support.

I assumed the constraints listed in constitute a minimum set of constraints that valid implementations MUST implement.  The group trimmed a list of nearly 30 proposed constraints to what is currently in the spec  based on broad consensus (peerIdentity and noaccess being exceptions).  If a valid implementation does not have to support even the constraints listed in the spec, then I wonder why the group went through the exercise of prioritizing constraints for the first version of the spec.

> Saying we desire everyone to register their keys, is different from saying the API may crash or detect such a thing. MUST is a FUD-based empty mandate, while SHOULD conveys the nature of the mechanism more accurately IMHO. I care about clarity, and your confusion about implementation fuels my concern that the word MUST is the culprit (see below).

Got your point.  If this is the intention of the group, then I wonder why we bothered with the exercise of trimming constraints in the first place.   

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 18:58:59 UTC