Re: Proposed new text for noaccess

On 11/5/13 2:11 PM, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> On 05/11/13 17:39, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:
>> In my mind, a 'noaccess' stream and a stream awaiting user-permissions
>> are similar and could work the same:
>>   1. getUserMedia returns quickly.
>>   2. If the website shows the user a local view of their stream at all
>>      (and many sites will not), the user sees either:
>>        * Black,
>>        * Local video, with dimming or water mark or "Relax, not live!"
>>          don't-show-me-this-again warning workflow,
>>            o (or any other fancy way to communicate audio/video-muting,
>>              as browsers are good at innovating UX)
>>        * Local video,
>>        * "Click to play?"
> I don't really understand if there would be a difference in the consent
> dialogue if the app shows a local view or not

There would be no difference.

>   - is "Click to play" the same dialogue on both cases?

Sorry, I was trying to rattle off things a browser might implement here 
- please ignore it if it is confusing. "Click to play?" refers to how 
Firefox disables Firefox-plugins by default; the user may click on the 
gray area where, say, the flash video would otherwise have appeared, to 
make it appear. - My main point here was to suggest that what to show 
locally when no permission has been granted is between the browser and 
its user.

>>          And this would depend on /browser settings/ and user comfort
>>          level (let browsers handle defaults here).
>>   3. If stream is 'noaccess' then stay here. If app ever lifts
>>      'noaccess', goto 4.
>>   4. If browser ever returns that user-consent has been granted, then
>>      unmute/promote stream to full access.
> I sort of like this. If it also came with the info that also a
> "noaccess" MediaStream can be attached to a PeerConnection (but would
> never let any RTP packets, or only silence/black-RTP, go out on the net)
> it could be used to get the negotiation going immediately (since gUM
> returns quickly).

Exactly, it takes permissions out of setup.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2013 21:36:26 UTC