Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-01-10

Thanks Thierry for the update. Will you join the call today right?

See you soon.

Soohong Daniel Park
from Galaxy S, twitter: @natpt
2012. 1. 10. 오후 6:49에 "Thierry MICHEL" <>님이 작성:

> Le 10/01/2012 04:01, Daniel Park a écrit :
>> All,
>> This is the first call this year, and I'd like to summary the past
>> (ongoing) issues on the list together during the call.
>> By the way, here is the agenda for today call. In addition, please let me
>> know if I should add further items into the agenda.
>> ==============================**=========================
>> 1. Convene
>> Media Annotations WG
>> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") Alternative dial
>> numbers:
>> France (Nice): +
>> UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
>> IRC channel: #mediaann
>> Tuesday 2012-01-10
>> 12:00-13:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm *13:00*)
>> Regrets:
>> Chair: Daniel
>> Scribe: volunteer?
>> Minutes to appear:
>> <http://****mediaann-minutes.html<>
>> >
>> 2. Next meeting
>> 2012/01/17
>> 3. Items
>> [A]  Open Actions
>> [B]  Docs current status
>> i) Ontology: PR track from 29 November, 2011
>>    - Progress: call for AC review (until 31 December, 2011)
>> ontology10/REC/<>
> I am awaiting director's decision for moving to REC.
>     - checking for the results (feedbacks from ACs)
> Results of the review seem fine (I can't say more as it is Team
> restricted).
>  iii) API: CR track from 22 November, 2011
>>    - Progress - testsuites, call for implementations
> Yes we should concentrate on this topic. Finalize the API Testsuite.
>> [C] Issues on Ontology
>> i) checking for the issues raised by Martin, and resolution status
>>  ii) Remaining issues
>>    - updates of Ontology for REC version
> I think these are done except the Exif 2.3 issue.
>>     - Exif 2.3 ?
> Tobias who was the editor for the Exif mapping table should probably have
> a look if adding the refe to Exif 2.3 has an impact on the exif mapping
> table.
>> annotation/2011Dec/0053.html<>
>>     - other issues ???
>> [D] Issues on API
>> i) Status Code 206 issues (Werner, Florian, etc)
>>    - checking for the current status
>> ii) Remaining issues ???
>> [E] API testsuites
>> i) testsuites document schedule made by Florian
>> annotation/2011Nov/0021.html<>
>> ii) reviews of the normative JSON files
>> annotation/2011Dec/0054.html<>
> we are missing Wonsuk's updated files and files for Webm, Quicktime and OGG
>  iii) other issues ???
>> 4. AOB
>>  ==============================**=========================
>> Regards, Daniel.

Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2012 10:07:53 UTC