updates of the Ontology for REC version.

During the current AC Rep review of the Ontology spec , a company 
requested the following updates before going to REC.

We should address these two items:

1. Updating the Exif ontology reference to the Exif 2.3 release.

2. Reviewing the new CIPA Exif Draft "Exif 2.3 metadata for XMP", 
http://www.cipa.jp/english/hyoujunka/kikaku/cipa_e_kikaku.html which 
assigns XMP properties to each of the Exif properties, and validate that 
the W3C MAWG ontology is consistent with this work.

pleases end feedback. We can also discuss it during our next telecon.


Received on Friday, 30 December 2011 07:56:15 UTC