MAWG Teleconf - 2011-05-17 Cancelled

Dear all,
Considering the number of regrets from people required to resolve current issues, I suggest that we postpone the meeting to next week. I will send out an updated agenda with current issues and reminders of AP's.

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry MICHEL [] 
Sent: den 16 maj 2011 17:30
To:; Joakim Söderberg
Subject: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2011-05-17

Here is the agenda for next call.


Joakim  ask me to send this agenda, but he will chair again this meeting tomorrow.



1. Convene
Media Annotations WG
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") Alternative dial
France (Nice): +
UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
IRC channel: #mediaann

Tuesday 2011-05-10
11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm *13:00*)

Regrets:  Daniel, Thierry
Chair: Joakim,
Scribe: volunteer?

Minutes to appear:

2. Next meeting

3. Items
[A] Action items:


[B] Follow up on the discussion in HTML5 about metadata access

Joakim and Sylvia agree that if the HTML WG  can not conceive a specific uses cases, we should not pursue this.

I have invited Sylvia to join this telecon, but she can't join.

[C] [Reminder] editors of the Metadata examples to send their files Silvia seems to say

1- for OGG example, she can not provide *all* the properties mapping to the properties core set

2- for OGG example. The format been binary formats she can not create an RDF file.

This conflicts with our exit criteria.
Should we change those or is Sylvia missing something ?

Editors: Reminder; Please send in your format example

[D] Ontology document.

Latest version for CR now available for review.
With some new edits on following new comments.

1- relaxing the constraint on ma:isRelatedTo,

é- Should we also change all datatypes for literal and provide definitions for the formats: according to Jean Pierre ?

Next week we should probably vote to move the Ontology to CR.
Therefore review the document and please attend next week telecon.

[E] Revision of the API document.

Florian updates ?

4. AOB


Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 09:13:40 UTC