follow up on the discussion in HTML5 about metadata access

Sylvia, HTML WG,

To follow up on your discussion  in HTML5 about metadata access and the 
Ontology and API for Media Resources,  and our previous email 
[1]followed by Sylvia responses [2a, 2b] about the Media API [3]

Sylvia seem to say that you don't need such API in the browser to 
extract video/audio/image metadata. It would be done server-side.

On the other hand Leonard says  [4] that the API for metadata access to 
media would be a appropriate for Web UAs like for axample EPUB3 (based 
on HTML5) allowing scripting.

The MAWG would like to have a better understanding of your concerns. 
Could you please explain more deeply what are your issues for access to 
these metadata, and which requirements are not satisfactorily addressed 
by the MAWG API. Could you provided a few use cases we could study and 
see how our API fits.

Finally, Sylvia as you are part of both the MA WG HTML WG, could you 
please join our next tecon next Tuesday to have a deeper discussion on 
this topic and report the HTML concerns.

Best regards,






Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2011 14:14:14 UTC