action on 3GPP, MP4 and Movie formats

Hi guys

I filled out the table for 3GPP, and for 99% of the time this also supplies information for MP4 and Movie files as well.

For all these, the only XPath I know that is defined is selecting a track;  in 3GP, MP4 and Movie files, tracks may be identified by track ID, using the ISO/IEC 21000-17:2006 "ffp()" syntax (#ffp(track_ID=101), for example).

The one item that differs between the formats is 'description'.  In 3GPP, this is the dscp user-data item.  In 'classic' movies, it's probably İinf (information about the movie); but the language codes and text encodings used in classic user-data would need some ... exploring.  MP4 files have no native format for expressing this, unless you consider MPEG-7 such.

I made the table in Excel;  if this is the right information, and the right level of info, Courtney and I could work on getting it into HTML.  (I added a column of 'what this item is' for my own reminder, it's not in the normal tables).

I'm not sure I understand all the columns, mind you.  What goes in 'relation'?
David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2010 17:19:39 UTC