API-Doc: Update of the WebIDL Spec

Dear all,

since you are working in the F2F at the moment on the API document, please keep in mind to update the WebIDL specification. The following three updates _have_ to be reflected in order to have a transferable specification:

a) inserting a qualified name [1]
b) Typos with Float - in WebIDL it is typed float
c) Problem with datatype "Date" - the WebIDL spec does not have this type yet, see editorial note [2]

Please find the proper .idl file attached to this mail.

If you have questions for these issues, i can dial in also after lunch.


[1] (excpert of webidl spec) Every module, interface, exception and typedef also has a qualified name, determined as follows:

	• If the definition is declared at the outermost scope, then the qualified name of the definition is two consecutive U+003A COLON (":") characters followed by the identifier of the definition.
	• Otherwise, the definition is not declared at the outermost scope. The qualified name of the definition is the qualified name of the definition’s enclosing module followed by two consecutive U+003A COLON (":") characters followed by the identifier of the definition.
[2] Editorial note
HTML 5 uses Date, so we'll need to decide what to do with that.

Current thoughts are to be able to state that an interface has a custom mapping to language bindings, and to map that type to a Date in ECMAScript and a java.util.Date in Java.
Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
Chair of Distributed Information Systems
University of Passau
Innstr. 43
94032 Passau

Room 248 ITZ

Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
Fax: +49 851 509 3062


Received on Thursday, 9 September 2010 09:32:31 UTC