Re: RE : RE : ma-ont RDF latest version

Hi again,

thinking more about it, it occured to me that you don't need a new 
instance of RatingProvider for *every* MediaResource you want to rate...

What you really need is one ID per "value" that a given organization can 
give as rating (on a given scale).

So indeed you can do the following:

   :lmdb a ma:Organization.

   :lmdb3 a ma:RatingProvider ;
        ma:ratingValue 3 ;
        ma:ratingMin 0 ; ma:ratingMax 5; ma:ratingProviderIs lmdb .

   :lmdb5 a ma:RatingProvider ;
        ma:ratingValue 3 ;
        ma:ratingMin 0 ; ma:ratingMax 5; ma:ratingProviderIs lmdb .

   :movie1 :hasBeenRatedBy :lmdb3 .
   :movie2 :hasBeenRatedBy :lmdb5 .
   :movie3 :hasBeenRatedBy :lmdb3 .

Of course, you don't *have to* do that, so it is not required that every 
rating organization provide a single URI for each ratin value. But it is 
a possibility.

And now that we are settled on this, I bring back my *other* argument 
(while quite restating):
this amounts to representing RatingValues, not exactly RatingProvider.

let's discus this *de visu* in Lyon :)


On 11/02/2010 11:22 PM, Evain, Jean-Pierre wrote:
> Pierre Antoine,
> Mea culpa, you are right the current model allows only one rating
> value per ratingProvider ID. Chris is right that different Ids are
> needed. Idon't like this very much as it makes ratingProvider act
> like a blank node in between the agent and the ratingValue. But I
> also don't want to have the ratingValue as a class.
> I am looking for an alternative.
> JP

Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2010 08:03:47 UTC