Poll for next face to face meeting

I've set up a poll to help us select the least inconvenient week in May 
or June. Once we have chosen the week, we can then pin down the exact 
days. The poll is at:


Please fill it in before the next telecon on April 4.

p.s. I have also added the poll link to the MBUI WG home page.

On 22/03/13 13:13, Joëlle Coutaz wrote:
> I am fine with  the location (Munich), but I am in Copenhagen for a
> Conference, from monday night the 11th of June to thursday night the
> 13th. I also know that Gaelle is not available on the 13 and 14th of
> June. Shall we decide for a date via a doodle?

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 11:18:22 UTC