Re: Where should we handle Table Borders and Details/Summary "triangle"


On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 3:13 AM, Alastair Campbell <>

> Hi Glenda,
> My initial reaction is that it doesn't fit in either, but taking a little
> step back, what's the issue we are trying to solve?

> Presumably it is tables which have very low-contrast borders/backgrounds?
> A (valid) table has semantics, so the borders are under the user's
> control, to the same extent that text-adaptation is under user-control.
> Rather than hack apart either of the current SCs, I would rather spend
> time bolstering the recommendations on the contrast ratio for both the
> current SCs.
> I was reviewing the comments on graphics contrast, and there were two
> notable ones on the ratios:
> Trace: "The other contrast levels were chosen to apply to text you are
> trying to read running text. ... For graphic objects do not have the same
> constraint and lower contrast could be used. However we could find no
> research that would backup what contrast should be." [1]
> Webaim: "We believe additional clarification and research is needed
> regarding the relevance of the current WCAG-defined contrast requirements
> to modern displays and users. These WCAG formulas and thresholds for
> contrast are primarily based on research conducted in 2001 on an Amiga 1000
> display. Display technology and user adeptness has certainly changed
> significantly since then, yet few people question the applicability of this
> research to the modern web."
> So I think we need to:
> 1. Establish if we have any research on non-text contrast for people with
> low vision.
> 2. Setup some test cases in a survey format (not W3C survey, a nice
> version) where we can get people to say what they can see well enough.
> Does anyone object to that focus?
> ​I think both are useful to explore. Marla and I hacked together some
initial content [1] that could be expanded to include table borders and
other items and converted into a survey.


Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 22:15:16 UTC