Re: Positioning Tooltips - Revisiting Hover SC

Hi Marla and all,

Wow. This is brilliant. Thank you so very much!

Tooltips are not obscured in OS X (I tested in Safari, FireFox, and
Chrome) with the cursor is set to either a medium large or large size
& with zoom levels set from 0% and up (either full zoom or text zoom).
The tooltip responds to accommodate zoom settings. Tooltip text
enlarges. Tooltip is perceivable.

In addition, I tested on Android 5.0 Lollipop and it works great there
too. Chrome: all good. FireFox: all good.

Folks, thanks to Marla it seems we have a solution that authors can
easily implement.

I am now in favor of the LVTF pursuing this SC. Wayne, your thoughts
as SC manager?

Kindest Regards,

On 4/8/17, Marla Runyan <> wrote:
> As many of you may recall, the original “Metadata on Hover” SC was
> addressing the issue of tooltips that are generated from the title attribute
> being obscured by an enlarged mouse pointer. This is a daily occurrence for
> many low vision users, including myself. While we all know that tooltips
> should not contain essential information (only advisory information), I
> don’t see tooltips going away any time soon.  Also, determining whether or
> not their content is “essential” or advisory opens the door for a wide range
> of interpretations — especially when they appear as the only visual label
> for icons.
> From a low vision user perspective, encountering a tooltip that I cannot
> read is a constant reminder of an accessibility barrier — because I see a
> piece of something, and the rest is out of reach.  So, even if the same
> content is available on the page, how would I know? All I know is that there
> is something right in front of me that I can’t access. This is a very
> different experience from a keyboard-only user who is likely not aware that
> a tooltip even exists.
> So, this got me thinking….
> Is it possible to position title attribute tooltips ABOVE their triggers?
> Is it possible to make title attribute tooltips keyboard accessible?
> The answer is yes.
> Should we revisit the “metadata on hover” SC, I created a sandbox where I
> positioned the tooltips above their triggers.
> The first 3 examples are using the title attribute as the content for the
> tooltip. The last two examples use a custom tooltip created from a span.
> All of them appear on hover, so they are also keyboard accessible.
> <>
> This is far from perfect - just exploring possibilities.
> Looking forward to discussing further.
> Thank you,
> Marla

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 13:13:14 UTC