Color Test: A formal proposal

I proposed this color test.
It should work.
The colors are selected randomly so that they support a 4.5:1 ratio.
This test should be sufficient.
It tests two random color choices (one dark one light).
The combination is most likely a mud color (light or dark).
The test looks at dark on light and light on dark.
It is significant that !important is left off the first test.
It should be run  twice, without and with !important.
The non-important will flush out element level style.
The important will flush real erroneous cases.

Look for colors that do not change.
Loss of functionality, images disappear, icons dispensary

If colors do not change add-in background-image: none.

Pay attention to borders and padding. These may also need to be specified.

I would like to put this forward as a formal test.


Received on Saturday, 1 April 2017 18:50:04 UTC