Re: two questions about VoID

Hi Armando,

On 4 Jul 2014, at 10:52, Armando Stellato <> wrote:
> I would like to get confirmed is if the definition of void:Dataset is including owl vocabularies.

Yes, it would be fair to say that owl:Ontology is a subset of void:Dataset, because every such ontology can be fully represented as a set of RDF triples.

> All examples in the void specifications (, and the definition in section 8 ( ) seem to suggest the structure of a triple for this property is:
> dataset                 void:subset        subset_of_dataset
> …but in section 5.2 ( ) it is being used in the opposite way:
> :DBpedia_Geonames a void:Linkset;
>     void:target :DBpedia;
>     void:target :Geonames;
>     void:subset :DBpedia;
>     void:triples 252000;
>     .
> Can anyone confirm if it is the use in 5.2 being wrong?

Yes, the example is wrong.


Received on Friday, 4 July 2014 09:59:43 UTC