Poll: What Are RDF's Unique Characteristics?


As promised, here is a simple poll [1] that seeks an answer to the 
question: what are RDF's unique characteristics?


[1] http://poll.fm/4adcd -- new poll about RDF's unique selling points 
or defining characteristics.
[2] http://bit.ly/19m0Yhh -- older poll about biggest impediment to 
Linked Data adoption.



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

Received on Monday, 24 June 2013 20:52:51 UTC