Re: Linked Stuff [was Re: RDF's challenge]

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:17 AM, Kingsley Idehen <>wrote:

> This conversation is about being flexible about how we promote Linked Data
> to folks that have long tuned out the letters R-D-F.

I agree we need to make it more compelling to users with as little jargon
as possible. And I also agree that many times RDF is misinterpreted to be
some form of XML and developers really hate XML.

But we can't ignore the fact that RDF is clearly defined in all of the
definitions I found so far of "Linked Data" as the pillar standard data
making this distributed Web of Data function.

So of course I agree we can explain it to people without mentioning RDF
[1], but RDF is still at the heart of Linked Data's definitions the same as
HTTP is at the heart of the definition of the "Web".


Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 22:30:07 UTC