RDF interlinking evaluation.

interlinking of RDF data.

I am investigating an automatic approach for interlinking dataset in the 
linked data cloud. My approach only interlinks resources that refer to a 
same entity in the real world (it does not means that produced 
interlinks are the "sameas" relationship).

Are there any benchmark RDF datasets that I can use to evaluate the 
precision and recall of the interlinks created by my approach?

It would be nice whether someone could point me to datasets that was 
manually curated, having high quality interlinks that I could use as a 
Golden Set.

Any suggestion in this direction will be welcome.


M.Sc. Samur Araujo
Ph.D Student
TU Delft - Delft University of Technology - EWI

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 09:07:48 UTC