Re: Take2: 15 Ways to Think About Data Quality (Just for a Start)

On 4/20/11 4:13 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On a related note, re. data quality matters in general, some excerpts 
> from an 2009 post about data quality [1]:
> “You don’t talk about data quality.”
> No, wait—that’s The First Rule of Poor Quality Data.
> The First Law of Data Quality:
> “Data is either being used or waiting to be used—or wasting storage 
> and support.”
> Although understanding your data is essential to using it effectively 
> and improving its quality, as Thomas Redman explains, “it is a waste 
> of effort to improve the quality of data no one ever uses.”
> In the context of Linked Data surmounting the essence of the above has 
> been our focal point from day one. The data has to be out there for 
> quality issues to surface albeit subjectively.

Here's another item of relevance to this thread. This time around, a 
link to a slide from TimBL's WWW8 presentation [1] .


1. -- slide 
covering "Independence" which has "Subjective Notions of Quality" as a 
bullet point .



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Monday, 25 April 2011 19:21:25 UTC