Publishing Linked Data without Redirects

I wrote up a summary of the current thinking on using 200 instead of
303 to serve up Linked Data:

The key part is:

When your webserver receives a GET request to your thing’s URI you may
respond with a 200 response code and include the content of the
description document in the response provided that you:

   1. include the URI of the description document in a
content-location header, and
   2. ensure the body of the response is the same as the body obtained
by performing a GET on the description document’s URI, and
   3. include a triple in the body of the response whose subject is
the URI of your thing, predicate is and object is the URI
of your description document

But read the whole post for an example, some theory background and some FAQ.



Received on Monday, 8 November 2010 09:00:10 UTC