Re: ldp-ISSUE-72 (membershipObject): The object of a membership triple isn't always the address of the created informational resource [Linked Data Platform core]

>>> Hi Roger, 
>>> could you please post an example that illustrates what the problem is? I have to admit not to understand. 
>> There is lots of coverage around this in many of Henry's recent emails ... :) 
>> Anyway, I'll have a go at providing an example showing the problem. Picking up on the cat use-case that Henry introduced a few weeks ago:
>> There is an LDPR </people/roger>, this has a LDPC which is used to manage my pets. 
>> Let's say this LDPC has a membershipSubject of </people/roger> and membershipPredicate of pets:has_pet. If I POST the following to the LDPC: 
>> <> a animal:Cat; 
>>     foaf:name "Zaza".
>> ... a new resource is created. 
>> And there is a new membership triple of 
>> </people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza>
>> If one wants to keep the two resources separated, I might POST the following
>> <> foaf:primaryTopic <#this> .
>> <#this> a animal:Cat;
>>      foaf:name "Zaza". 
>> However, the new membership triple in this case is not quite right. It still is : 
>> </people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza>
>> ... but it should really be :
>> </people/roger> pets:has_pet </people/roger/zaza#this> 
>> That's the problem. 
> Ok so presumably the problem here is that </people/roger> is a document too
> so that you want the relation not to be on </people/roger> but on </people/roger#i>
> right.


I believe you are looking at the wrong end of the triple. 
This issue is about the object end. 


> And that is what the ldp:membershipSubject would be for....
> So we would then have
> <> a ldp:Container;
>      ldp:membershipSubject <#i>;
>      ldp:membershipOject ??? ;
>      ldp:membershipPredicate pets:has_pet .
> <#i> pets:has_pet <zaza#it>, <zara#it> .
> so clearly here pets:has_pet has nothing to do with rdf:contains anymore.

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 15:17:08 UTC