Re: What about this grammar?

Norm Tovey-Walsh <> writes:

> I can conceive of no reason why we should allow un-encoded non-XML
> characters in a grammar when forbidding them imposes no practical
> constraints on what grammars authors can write with iXML.
> If anyone thinks we *should* allow it, I’d love to hear why.

It's not my position, but the position I can imagine someone taking is:
saying "input and grammar are written in Unicode" is simpler than saying
"input is in Unicode; grammar is in the subset of Unicode allowed in XML

For anyone who would like to reduce the focus of ixml on XML as a hub
format, and generalize it to grammar-driven conversion into arbitrary
formats, restricting grammars to the XML subset of Unicode is likely to
feel arbitrary and needlessly restrictive. 

But you may be right that it is better to ask whether anyone thinks it
should be allowed and then discuss if necessary.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2022 17:54:42 UTC