Re: Error definition

What is the context of this question? Are there examples where you don't 
get pass (with or without warnings) or fail?

On Friday 04 February 2022 10:35:54 (+01:00), Dave Pawson wrote:

 > O Regan, Gonorill, your old kind father
 > Whose franke heart gaue you all, O that way madnes lies,
 > Let me shun that, no more of that.
 > -Bill S
 > When I compile a programming language program,
 > I may get warnings, but (to me) the compile either
 > succeeds or fails.
 > I would hope that with an ixml grammar and input string
 > I can rely on the same reasoning? Pass / fail (or pass,
 > with warnings). From this I expect my vxml output to
 > be complete, no 'missing bits'?
 > I'm using a Saxon class implementation, so if it has a bug
 > I can look for a blue moon.
 > Is this assumption reasonable / agreed?
 > regards

Received on Friday, 4 February 2022 12:39:04 UTC