- From: Joseph Potvin <jpotvin@opman.ca>
- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 11:04:33 -0400
- To: Interledger Community Group <public-interledger@w3.org>, Web Payments CG <public-webpayments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKcXiSqMNNAU2KQYi7vd8BK24us539FR8UuTfP1-sdJVV=YXCQ@mail.gmail.com>
RE: "the Interledger architecture is layered... there is scope for a more complex and rich application layer protocol that is more targeted at "enterprise" use cases" +1 RE; "to begin developing another application layer protocol that is focused on B2B and leverages existing standards like ebXML. ISO20022 or UBL then that would be great: In part, like this? https://github.com/Xalgorithms/xa-arch/blob/master/README.md https://www.xalgorithms.org/ RE: It is a far larger task than the current group could take on but I'd certainly support it and try to get involved as time allows. Xalgorithms Foundation (XF) has not yet been reaching out much. An initial group is doing some grunt work to determine which specific functions we'll target and how, and which parts are for others to do. i.e. Which the internal functions of OSI Layer 7 can we enhance with the our two contributions?) Our scope is much narrower than you described for Layer 7 work, only some component parts. Some structure for our work is now getting posted to Github. We haven't yet got much of any use for anyone to download. At present we're creating a limited working proof-of-concept. There's also a fully-scalable free/libre/open pathway in planning. Starting on 6 April at 2:30 EST, XF will be hosting an open-to-anyone 30 min "Xalgorithms Tech Weekly Forum" on Google Hangout. I'll share details shortly. Anyone with specific enquiries (which may be out-of-scope for this email list) can contact me directly via jpotvin@xalgorithms.org Joseph Potvin Executive Director, Xalgorithms Foundation Mobile: 819-593-5983 jpotvin@xalgorithms.org https://www.xalgorithms.org On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 6:13 AM, Adrian Hope-Bailie <adrian@hopebailie.com> wrote: > From the discussion around payment to invoices there appears to be a > number of views that the current application layer protocol is not meeting > the needs of all B2B use cases. > > Further, there is a suggestion that there are a number of existing > protocols and standards that we should be leveraging. > > It's important to note that the Interledger architecture is layered, > intentionally, to resemble something like the OSI model for communications > protocols. At the lowest layers are very simple protocols that have a > specific purpose but these build up to an application layer where it is > possible to construct a number of application layer protocols that are > built on the lower layer primitives and fit for a particular purpose. > > I'd compare these to communications stack protocols like HTTP and FTP. > These two protocols are built on the same underlying IP-based stacks but > were designed for very different purposes. > > Right now OWPS is intended to be a very simple application layer protocol > primarily designed to handle P2P payments or very simple C2B payments (i.e. > 1:1 payment to invoice). It has very specific design principles which may > not be appropriate for a lot of use cases (such as being operatorless). > This protocol may evolve but it's unlikely to ever be a rich protocol that > incorporates comprehensive stacks like ISO20022 or ebXML. > > Rather than trying to turn OWPS into a protocol that can handle all use > cases I'd suggest there is scope for a more complex and rich application > layer protocol that is more targeted at "enterprise" use cases. > > If there is a willingness within this group to begin developing another > application layer protocol that is focused on B2B and leverages existing > standards like ebXML. ISO20022 or UBL then that would be great. > > It is a far larger task than the current group could take on but I'd > certainly support it and try to get involved as time allows. > > Adrian >
Received on Monday, 28 March 2016 15:05:22 UTC