- From: Adrian Hope-Bailie <adrian@hopebailie.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 11:58:59 +0100
- To: Interledger Community Group <public-interledger@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CA+eFz_Jye4jmN7dVnRX8W+2hhA3AnE_LXX7_TGCPMYB2ky12bg@mail.gmail.com>
There have been some good discussions around the correct technology for the discovery of a receiving account (ledger). The current proposal is to to use WebFinger ( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7033) which is the basis for discovery in a variety of web based protocols such as OpenID Connect. There has been a proposal to use JSON-LD however it is unclear at this stage how this would be done as JSON-LD is not a protocol, it is a data format for linked data. There have also been suggestions to explore other existing lower level discovery protocols such as DDDS based on DNS. I've been having this debate for about 10 years in various groups related to payments, identity and other more obscure use cases. The reality is that there is no one discovery protocol appropriate for all use cases. In an ideal world there would be an entirely decentralised registry (noting that DNS is not) that could be used as the primary source of truth for resolving a human readable identifier into something that can be used by a machine to accomplish some specific goal. I don't believe it's the goal of this group to solve this problem but if we feel the current proposal of Webfinger is inappropriate for resolving an account@ledger identifer into a ledger address then let's find a a better alternative. But, before we get into a religious debate about the choice of technology I'd suggest we agree on what the requirements and design goals are for this discovery protocol. This discovery protocol is intended to be simple and form part of a basic application layer payments protocol we're developing called OWPS which also has a stated design goal of being simple and addressing only a select set of use cases. As I have stated in a separate thread, nothing prevents us from taking the plunge and trying to develop a far richer application layer protocol that incorporates more complex systems of discovery. Finally, if there are alternative proposals to WebFinger please let's see them in action. All of the Interledger code is being developed in the open so it should be possible to fork the project you're interested in and implementing an alternative proposal for everyone to review.
Received on Monday, 28 March 2016 10:59:27 UTC