Re: simple-ruby wide reviewへの対応_簡略化_修正 (C-g/C-#46-6)


# githubに書こうかともちょっと思ったのですが細かい議論いろいろになりそうなのでひとまずこちらで、、

On 2021/11/10 14:03, Kobayashi Toshi wrote:
> 簡略化の注記を,本文に入れる場合について
> (もちろん,注記のママでも結構です.注記の場合も本文の位置と同じ.その場合は,見出しは直さなくてよい.)
>   "Atsushi Shimono (W3C Team)" さんwrote
>>  considerations for the placement rulesの章かrules for simple placement of
>> Japanese rubyの章かす
>> こし迷いましたが、配置規則に近い方がいいかな、ということで、後者の配置処理の
>> 中、各mono/group/jukugo
>> の規則のそれぞれの一番最後(規則の項目の後)に入れるのはどうかなと思っており
>> ます。
>>  前者の考慮事項のところに入れるべき(というのであれば入れる場所はmono/group/
>> jukugoの定義がその中
>> の一番最後なので結構難しい感じですが、、)、とか、各配置規則の先頭近く(一番
>> 先頭はやりすぎとしても
>> 簡便化規則の項目の直前とか?)に入れるべき、とかありましたらご指摘ください。
>>  なお、まだ文章はドラフトで来ていませんが

>> です。
> 簡略化の注記ですが,本文に入れるのは結構むつかしいですね.下農さんの最初の案
>> 配置規則に近い方がいいかな、ということで、後者の配置処理の中、各mono/group/jukugo
>> の規則のそれぞれの一番最後(規則の項目の後)に入れるのはどうかなと思っております”
> ということであれば,以下のようにして入れたらどうでしょうか.(まあ,ここに書いたことは,いわずもがなのことですが,ある意味,要約することで,ルビ処理の全体像が見えるという役割はあるのかもしれません.あれこれ考えなく,これ1つに絞ったよ,ということです.)

Appendixにしてしまうのはいかがでしょうか?(一番下に案を添付; ちょっとAppendix向けに項目タイ
# 英語版はFuqiaoさんのドラフトに感謝!JLReqやsimple-rubyの既存の文章との平仄合わせでいくつか

1. 親文字とルビの配置の位置関係
   1. モノルビ
   2. グループルビ
   3. 熟語ルビ
2. 前後文字に掛けるときの処理
3. 行端処理

> 【】内は,以前のメールからの修正(“GitHub”で示した内容と同じ).
> 補足:モノルビの簡略化の内容
> モノルビの処理で簡略化した内容を補足しておく.
> 1〉 モノルビでは,親文字とのルビの位置関係で主なものとして以下のような方法がある.ここでは1を採用した.なお,ルビの文字列はベタ組である.
>  1 親文字の中心とルビ文字列の中心をそろえる.
>  2 親文字の先頭とルビ文字列の先頭をそろえる
>  3 親文字の先頭とルビ文字列の先頭をそろえる方法を原則とするが,親文字よりルビ文字列の長さが長い場合,後ろへのはみ出しを優先する.前後の文字種によりルビと親文字との配置位置は変わる.
> 2)親文字からルビ文字列がはみ出した場合,前後の文字に掛けるか掛けないかでは,主なものとして以下のような方法がある.ここでは1を採用した.この簡略化は,グループルビ,熟語ルビの場合でも同じである.
>  1 親文字の前後の文字には,アキのある約物を除き,掛けない.
>  2 親文字の前後の漢字には掛けないが,仮名や一部の約物には親文字サイズの1/2を掛ける.
>  3 親文字の前後の文字には,文字種を限らないで親文字サイズの1/4を掛ける.


-------- draft

Appendix: Simplification of Ruby placement rules

1. Rules for Mono-ruby

1.1 Alignment between ruby annotation and base text

In mono-ruby, following three methods are mainly used for the relative positions of the ruby annotation and its base text.
In this document, option 1 is picked. Characters of the ruby annotation are set solid.

1. The center of the ruby annotation and of its base text are aligned in the inline direction.
2. The beginning of the ruby annotation and of its base text are aligned in the inline direction.
3. In principle, the beginning of the ruby annotation and of its base text are aligned in the inline direction.
    If the ruby annotation is wider than its base text, the ruby annotation extends beyond its base text
    with following direction as prioritized.
    The results depend on the character class of characters preceding and following.

1.2 Overhanging surrounding characters

When the ruby annotation is wider than its base text,
following three methods are mainly used for overhang surrounding characters.
In this document, option 1 is picked.
This simplification is also applied to rules of group-ruby and jukugo-ruby.

1. Do not overhang surrounding characters, except for punctuation marks containing spacing.
2. Do not overhang surrounding kanji, but allow to overhang kana and some punctuation marks by 1/2 of the character size of the base text.
3. Allow ruby annotation to overhang surrounding characters regardless of the character class, by 1/4 of the character size of the base text.

1.3 Alignment at line edge

When the ruby annotation is wider than its base text, and the ruby block falls at line edge,
following two methods are mainly used for alignment at line edge.
In this document, option 1 is picked.
To pick option 1, alignment between ruby annotation and base text (1.1) needs to be modified.
This simplification is also applied to rules of group-ruby and jukugo-ruby.

1. Align the start of the ruby annotation with the line's start edge, and the end of the ruby annotation with the line's end edge.
2. Align the start of the base text with the line's start edge, and the end of the base text with the line's end edge.

2. Rules for Group-ruby

In Grouo-ruby, when ruby annotation and base text are different length in solid setting,
following three methods are mainly used for inserting spacing to shorter one to make two as the same length.
In this document, option 1 is picked for Japanese characters.

1. Spacing is inserted between every characters as well as the both edge.
    The size of spacing inserted at the both edge is half the size of the spacing inserted between every characters.
2. Spacing is inserted between every characters.
3. Both ruby annotation and base text are set solid, and align at the beginning, the end, or the center.

3. Rules for Jukugo-ruby

Following four methods are mainly used as rules for placement of Jukugo-ruby.
In this document, option 1 is picked.
Although options 2 and 3 are simpler than option 1, taking fundamentals of Jukugo-ruby into account and
modifying correspondence among blocks of ruby annotations and base texts enables these options,
options 2 and 3 are not picked in this document.

1. Place each pair of ruby annotation and base text as Mono-ruby, or whole Jukugo-ruby block as one Group-ruby,
    depends on lengthes of ruby annotation assigned to each base text in Jukugo-ruby block.
2. Place each pair of ruby annotation and base text as Mono-ruby.
3. Place whole Jukugo-ruby block as one Group-ruby.
4. For ruby annotations in Jukugo-ruby which are wider than their base text, allow to overhang surrounding kanji by
    1/2 of the character size of the base text, following option 3 of methods listed in 1.1 alignment between ruby
    annotation and base text for Mono-ruby. Other minor rules are applied depends on its situations.

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2021 15:30:20 UTC