Change log of ITS tagset

Hi Yves, all,

this is my first second round of change implementations. It encompasses
proposals from Yves at .

I will not work on this for the next two hours (I have a call, from
13-14 UTC), and after that I will work on it for about two hour again
(until the next call, which is from 16:00-17:00 UTC).

- Felix

---1: Section 4.2.1, first note

"Note: This definition of translatability is identical to the definition
in [Dita 1.0] <> . The implementation of this data category
is different from [Dita 1.0] <>  since the former allows to specify the
selected information in an XML document or schema."

I wonder if it's necessary to have a DITA-specific note here. Why treat
it as a specific case other XML formats may have also a
'translate'. Maybe this could be generalized or removed. And the
DITA-specifics could be moved to the DITA modularization section.

FS> I removed the note.

---2: Section 4.4.2, instance document case

The selection for this case is said to be "The selection is the textual
content of the element, without elements / attributes."

But in the summary table of section 4.1, the "default selection in
instance document" column says: "Textual content of element,
including content of child elements, but excluding attributes".

The child elements are excluded or included?

If "The selection is the textual content of the element, without
elements / attributes." is the right answer, then I would replace
"...without elements / attributes." by "...without elements or
attributes." (or rather than a slash).

Actually, I'm not sure which one is the right one. I'm guessing the
child elements should be included: you could have thing like:
... <term><b>V</b>ery <b>I</b>mportant <b>P</b>erson</term>...

FS> I think so too, and will change the passage you mentioned like that.

---3: Section 5.5.2, below example 38

"... don't define a namespace" should be " not define a namespace"

---4: Section 6

It looks funny to have the bolded items so close to the content of the
items above. Any way to make it look like for "att.datacats"?
(I guess in that case the extra para make the spacing behave differently)

FS> I have changed the styling, maybe it's better now.

- Felix

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2006 12:19:04 UTC