Re: XLIFF Mapping - status

Hi Yves, all,

below are a few small comments.

- in Elements within text "Use an inline elements such as": > "element"

- about "Use an inline elements such as <g>, <bpt>/<ept>, <ph>, etc. ": 
what would guide the choice between "g", "bpt", ...?

- general: in some place one may want to remind readers of the HTML <> 
XML conversion its-annotators-ref <> its:annotatorsRef

- external resource ref still has a "todo". I tried to add one and run 
into an issue: what if one element like "video" has two external 
resouces (poster and src attributes): generate two trans-units?

- ITS rules for processing XLIFF 1.2: really not sure if we need this. 
Would anyone implement these?

- "Unresolved issue: ITS Terminology created on an XLIFF document may be 
using termInfoRef with the reference being on a location not accessible 
once the document is merged back.": wouldn't this be also an issue e.g. 
for provenanceRecordsRef?



Am 28.08.13 08:09, schrieb Yves Savourel:
>> There is still one sub-section (Preserve Space for
>> inline elements) to write.
>> It should be easy and I'll try to do it tomorrow.
> It's done.
> I've also removed the issues for which we had consensus or that were dropped.
> This leaves us with:
> --1) How to map back termInfoRef when you go from XLIFF to the original format.
> --2) How to map back locNoteRef when you go from XLIFF to the original format.
> --4) There is no way to use <mrk> across segments.
> I think Arle run into this issue with another project. The question is: do we
> want to recommend a mechanism, or let tools do whatever they feel like?
> --6) Do we want to provide a set of ITS rules to process an XLIFF document with a pure ITS processor?
> Technically that is what we are trying to achieve with the ITS+ITSXLIFF namespaces. We have a start of that here:
> But I'm not sure if it's
> needed. It'd be certainly nice to have.
> Cheers,
> -ys

Received on Friday, 30 August 2013 10:51:14 UTC