Re: Readiness definition

Thanks a lot for this, Pablo. Could you add a link to this thread to
So that we keep track of it for ITS2.x or ITS3?



Am 27.08.13 12:27, schrieb Pablo Nieto Caride:
> Hi Dave and other potential implementers of Readiness,
> Attached is the latest document with info related to the Readiness 
> definition and implementation that I possess, I don't know whether 
> there is something more recent or not, if so, please send it to me or 
> point where it can be found.
> I am writing because our client is interested in using this extension 
> to mark content that must be post-edited after the machine 
> translation, the problem we encountered is that the process of 
> post-edition depends on the target language, that is, if the quality 
> of the machine translation in the target language is high maybe the 
> process of post-edition is not needed. I thought of including a new 
> optional attribute, /targetLanguage/, that can contain a comma 
> separated list of values based on 
>, if it is absent that 
> means that applies to all target languages. Any thoughts on this?
> And one last thing, I don't quite see how the parameter /"revised"/ 
> works, I mean, how can you differentiate one version from another, 
> anyone can give an example? Do you think it is useful?
> Thanks,
> Pablo.
> *__________________________________*
> *Pablo Nieto Caride*
> *Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i*
> *Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.*
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Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 14:36:22 UTC