i18n WG position on Issue-172 "restore <rb> as an optional element"

The Internationalization Working Group is aware that the call for Change
Proposals for Issue-172 "restore <rb> as an optional element" [1] will
close on 11th February.

Discussions have been taking place about how best to move forward with
regards to ruby in html5, but more time is needed to finalize those
discussions so that a widely acceptable recommendation can be made as to
how to proceed.

The Internationalization Working Group will therefore not formally 
pursue the issue further at this time. In particular, the 
Internationalization Working Group will not submit or endorse any change 
proposal for issue-172 at this time, and asks that other interested 
parties consider not pursuing this issue further at this time, so that 
this issue can be closed without prejudice for now and re-opened later 
if necessary.

The Internationalization Working Group absolutely remains committed to 
working further, together with vendor representatives and other 
interested parties, to get agreement about out how <ruby>, including 
<rb>, should be implemented, and is taking steps to move that forward.

Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 22:16:00 UTC