Re: i18n comments:

[comments below]

On 2010/03/27 18:49, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> Thanks Felix, I will update the schema. However, the BIDI spec warns,
> for security reasons, to avoid the overrides so I didn't include them
> into our spec. Should I put lro and rlo into the spec regardless? the
> spec now contains a note about this in the dir section:
> Note:
> Under the guidance of the [BIDI] specification, the values that would
> allow directional overrides in this specifications, namely Left-to-Right
> Override (LRO) and Right-to-Left Override (RLO), have deliberately been
> left out of this specification because of security concerns (see
> [UTR36]). Authors wanting to override the [BIDI] algorithm can do so by
> using [XML] entities and the appropriate Unicode directional markers.

Reading this note, it seems to make NO sense whatever for me to leave 
out the lro/rlo values. Essentially, the Note tells you that there is a 
security problem that apparently was addressed, and then it goes on to 
tell you how to circumvent the solution. Or did I get something wrong?

Regards,    Martin.

#-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 08:02:16 UTC