Re: FPWD of Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML (rename BDI by SCE)

On Mar 15, 2010, at 6:33 AM, Najib Tounsi wrote:

> Dear all,
> As mentioned in the last i18n teleconf, I suggest to rename the  
> 'bdi' (Bidi Isolation) attribute by 'sce' (Self Containing Entity).  
> Or something like.
> The aim of the new markup (the proposed 'bdi') is to permit the user  
> to define what he/she thinks of as a title, a brand name, and what  
> else, and then should be rendered  visually as it is, i.e.  
> independently from what precede or follow it.
> I suggest going further, in order to permit the user to think in  
> term of meaning of the content rather than in term of Bidi  
> "strangeness".
> Roughly speaking  'sce' should be to 'bdi' what <em> is to <i>.
> Moreover, and for readability, 'sce' attribute without value seem to  
> me more meaningful than 'bdi' itself.
> <span sce dir="ltr"> -3 review.</span>
> Opinion?

I would suggest an attribute name that consists of one or more words.  
I think a three-letter acronym for a feature that probably won't be  
used that often in markup will confuse people when they see it.


Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 14:45:39 UTC