Re: [widgets] dir and span elements

Hi Addison, Richard, and i18 WG,

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:
> Hi Addison, All,
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Phillips, Addison <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Addison - and yes, I think this makes a lot of sense for a
>>> "content"-style spec like HTML, however as the Widgets P&C is a
>>> configuration document most of which is IRIs, integers and so on
>>> rather than text content its less of a clear case.
>> No, I understand and don't disagree. However, there is something to be said for making it an attribute of <widget>, for example. Then you could have an override of directionality only when a given element has a different base direction. In the example in the spec [1], consider how this might be cleaner:
>> <widget dir="rtl">
>> <name short="hard to make Arabic rtl here without changing enclosing element" dir="ltr">
>>    But ltr override here works fine.
>> </name>
>> <description>
>>   Some rtl text.
>> </description>
>> <author href="" email="">bidi authors name</author>
>> <license>
>> ...
>> </license>
>> </widget>
>> Compared to:
>> <widget> <!-- no base direction -->
>> <name short="can't be rtl?" dir="rtl">
>>   Some RTL.
>> </name>
>> <description dir="rtl">
>>   Have to include dir a lot.
>> </description>
>> <author dir="rtl">
>>   ...
>> </author>
>> <license dir="rtl">
>> ...
>> </license>
>> </widget>
>> I'm not suggesting that 'dir' makes sense everywhere, but there is some utility in allowing direction (and maybe language/locale??) in at the outermost element?
> So you are saying that "dir" affects:
> 1.  all child nodes (text, elements, etc.).
> 2.  _only_ the attributes of child nodes (and _not_ the attributes of
> the element on which it is declared).
> I'll note that that behavior is inconsistent with xml:lang, which I
> understand applies to the element's attributes on which it is declared
> as well as child notes. So, everything below is in English:
> <x y="foo" z="bar" xml:lang="en">
>   <bar>English</bar>
> </x>
> but, unless I missed something, I still seem to have a problem (see
> second <name>):
> <widget dir="rtl">
> <name short="I'm rtl text, because widget said so" dir="ltr">
>   Some ltr text because name said so... <span dir="rtl">I am rtl
> again!</dir> more ltr.
> </name>
> <name short="i want to be ltr? but widget says rtl!" xml:lang="en">
>   Some rtl text.
> </name>
> </widget>
> I've defined a new rule that is supposed to emulate the behavior of
> your example above:
> [[
> ==Rule for Getting a Bidi Attribute Value==
> The rule for getting an Internationalized single attribute value is
> given in the following algorithm. The algorithm always returns a
> string, which can be empty.
> 1. Let /element/ be the element that contains the attribute to be processed.
> 2. Let result be the value of the attribute to be processed.
> 3. If /element/ has a parent element with a dir attribute, then
> process result in accordance to the [Widgets-Bidi] specification.
> 4. In result, replace any sequences of space characters (in any order)
> with a single U+0020 SPACE character.
> 5. In result, remove any leading or trailing U+0020 SPACE characters.
> 6. Return result.
> ]]
> AFAICT, this rule would only apply to name element's short attribute.
> However, I need i18n WG to evaluate the other attributes. To make this
> task easy, I've added a table that lists the elements and their
> attributes with links:
> So, together with the modified Rule for Getting Text Content, which now reads:
> "If input has a dir attribute, or has a parent element with a dir
> attribute, or has any child elements that contain a dir attribute,
> then process input and its descendant text nodes in accordance to the
> [Widgets-Bidi] specification and return the resulting string."
> We now generally have a solution for both processing elements and
> attributes so that BIDI strings can be used for display purposes.
>>> If dir conformance is tested in relation to the Rule For Obtaining
>>> Text Content then this already scopes its use to the four elements
>>> mentioned as these are the only elements that the rule applies to.
>> I agree, but there is one more potential case. The <content> element could have a default base directionality set (each <content> target or localized equivalent might also override it).
> I would prefer to leave directionality of the <content> element to the
> whatever its source attribute points to (i.e., always leave it up to
> the start file).
> Kind regards,
> Marcos

Upon reflection on the discussion above, I think the dir attr must
behave the same as xml:lang -  meaning that the value of dir is
applied to the element, all its attributes, and its child nodes. It is
then left to the specification of a given element to define if the
rendering of the value of an attribute or the text content of a node
is affected (as is the case with the name element and its short
attribute VS the feature element's name attribute, which is an IRI...
which is something I've been wanting to ask, can IRIs be rendered

Rationale through example:

Below, the issue I mentioned in my previous email is solved by using a
span element:

<widget dir="rtl"
             version="I am rtl 1.0!">

  <name short="I need to be LTR!"  xml:lang="en" dir="ltr">
    I am ltr <span dir="rtl"> I AM RTL!</span> I am ltr

  <name short="I need to be RTL!"  xml:lang="xx">
    <span dir="ltr">I am ltr </span> I AM RTL! <span dir="ltr"> I am ltr</span>

  <!-- OR, this should probably be allowed too! -->

  <name short="I need to be RTL!"  xml:lang="xx">
    <span dir="ltr">I am ltr <span dir="rtl">I AM RTL!</span> I am ltr

Thoughts, comments?

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 13:54:44 UTC