[alreq] [tidy] Fix bdi formatting
[alreq] Added new terms to the glossary
[alreq] Missing terms in glossary
[alreq] new commits pushed by behnam
[alreq] new commits pushed by shervinafshar
[alreq] Numerical Fractions
[alreq] Pull Request: Add .editorconfig
[alreq] Pull Request: Added new terms to the glossary
[alreq] Pull Request: Editorial suggestions for Najib's number text
[alreq] Pull Request: Highlighting the numerals different between AI and EAI in the table.
[alreq] Pull Request: Starting the Review of Section on Numbers (Per #101)
[alreq] Pull Request: Updating glossary from the spreadsheet
[alreq] Pull Request: Use dfn/h5 instead of span/em/strong
[alreq] Pull Request: Use span+unicode-bidi:isolate instead of bdi tag
[alreq] Review Proposed Draft: Unicode Technical Report #53: Unicode Arabic Mark Ordering Algorithm
[alreq] Section on Background of Arabic Numerals
[alreq] Section on Line Alignment
[alreq] Section on Numbers
[alreq] Section on Numerical Separators and their Bidi behavior
[alreq] Section on Text Authoring/Editing UX
[alreq] Updating glossary from the spreadsheet
[alreq] Use dfn/h5 instead of span/em/strong
[alreq] Use span+unicode-bidi:isolate instead of bdi tag
[alreq] Vertical Arabic
[alreq] Vertical text handling in Unicode
[alreq] Which set of digits should be used for Pashto?
[bp-i18n-specdev] Bidi for strings
[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by r12a
[bp-i18n-specdev] Personal names section
[bp-i18n-specdev] Use locale-neutral data representations
[clreq] Attention needed for subscript characters
[clreq] Do emphasis marks swap sides when JA is embedded in ZH?
[clreq] Duplicate definitions in the Glossary
[clreq] Fix some translations for zh-hans.
[clreq] Format character sizing information into tables
[clreq] new commits pushed by ethantw
[clreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[clreq] Pull Request: Translate some sentences to SC
[clreq] Typo: duplicate simplified Chinese text in the section “Book Title Mark”
[i18n-activity] "character" is not defined
[i18n-activity] 'deleteWordForwards' and 'deleteWordBackwards' not well defined
[i18n-activity] Adapting Text: font-family
[i18n-activity] Adapting Text: Letter spacing
[i18n-activity] Adapting Text: Line height and leading
[i18n-activity] Add auto value for text-decoration-skip
[i18n-activity] Add payerGivenName + payerFamilyName to PaymentAddress
[i18n-activity] Ambiguity in JSON-LD between human- and machine-readable strings for DC terms
[i18n-activity] AMOA rather than UAOA ?
[i18n-activity] Are emphasis marks used for Korean, and if so, which side?
[i18n-activity] ARIA > 2017-04-30
[i18n-activity] ASCII character code (editorial)
[i18n-activity] Can CLDR capture data on counter-styles?
[i18n-activity] Clarify text-spacing: punctuation
[i18n-activity] Code points and graphemes in backward deletion
[i18n-activity] Combining ruby and emphasis marks
[i18n-activity] Content Negotiation doesn't mention language as a negotiating point
[i18n-activity] CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1 (16 May 2017)
[i18n-activity] cursive shaping breaks needs better scoping
[i18n-activity] Default ruby position may be on the wrong side for tblr (eg. mongolian)
[i18n-activity] Default UA stylesheet for emphasis marks
[i18n-activity] Definition of "Hub" suggests that only 1 hub exists
[i18n-activity] description of time zone
[i18n-activity] Do emphasis marks swap sides when JA is embedded in ZH?
[i18n-activity] Doesn't example 3 in text-underline-position break current UA behavior?
[i18n-activity] DTD vs. DT example comments
[i18n-activity] Emphasis marks and auto-hiding ruby annotation
[i18n-activity] Emphasis marks and combining characters
[i18n-activity] empty segments allowed? (non-I18N)
[i18n-activity] English idiom (non-I18N)(editorial)
[i18n-activity] Examples have no language or direction
[i18n-activity] formatFontColor values of rtl etc
[i18n-activity] Hinting at a translation language for outgoing links
[i18n-activity] How much can be fixed using font rules or CGJ?
[i18n-activity] How to carry directional information with a string and handle insertion
[i18n-activity] I18N review request for WCAG 2.1
[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-404: Lang matching undefined
[i18n-activity] Intersection Observer review
[i18n-activity] Is ruby text used with Korean?
[i18n-activity] list of records ascending order
[i18n-activity] Make dir isolate by default
[i18n-activity] Make unicode-bidi:isolate the default for an element with a dir attribute (instead of unicode-bidi:embed) (chrome)
[i18n-activity] Matching input to datalist values
[i18n-activity] Message text not localizable
[i18n-activity] Metadata examples do not include xml:lang (editorial)
[i18n-activity] Microdata > 2017-08-01
[i18n-activity] Minor updates to the github guidelines
[i18n-activity] Mongolian text decoration styling
[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 28 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 25 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 15 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 8 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 3 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 3 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 3 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 1 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 1 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 1 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 24 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 24 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 24 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 24 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 14 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 14 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 14 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 3 July)
[i18n-activity] No way to set the underline width/thickness
[i18n-activity] Normalization and accesskey
[i18n-activity] Please always use charset and lang for your documents.
[i18n-activity] Position of ruby, text-emphasis, under/overline, etc in vertical-LR writing mode
[i18n-activity] Proposal for the 'text-emphasis-position' property syntax values
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: Fix telecon time
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: guidelines/process, minor fixes
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: Minor updates to the github guidelines
[i18n-activity] Purpose of Purpose of Controls
[i18n-activity] Re-investigate "compatibility caseless" matching #1666
[i18n-activity] Remote Playback API > 2016-12-31
[i18n-activity] rootMargin may need to be directionally sensitive
[i18n-activity] rubyAlign withBase
[i18n-activity] Serialization of Dublin Core terms in XML is not defined
[i18n-activity] Shadda display position
[i18n-activity] Should text-decoration-skip apply to overline and line-through?
[i18n-activity] Should traditional mongolian text in horizontal writing modes be horizontal or vertical?
[i18n-activity] Should UTF-8 normative text point to the Encoding spec?
[i18n-activity] Simple outline of baseline section
[i18n-activity] sorted list by code unit
[i18n-activity] Subscription request needs to define UTF-8
[i18n-activity] Text emphasis examples needed
[i18n-activity] Text underlines' positions cannot be fine-tuned
[i18n-activity] text-decoration-skip: ink should allow not to skip for CJK and certain ideographic scripts
[i18n-activity] Tighten up usages of "compatibilty caseless" comparisons used in the spec
[i18n-activity] TTML2 > 2017-09-30
[i18n-activity] Underline and NNBSP
[i18n-activity] Underline position for Japanese text with ruby
[i18n-activity] Unicode Normalization health warning needed?
[i18n-activity] Use of fillLineGap might cause glyph collisons
[i18n-activity] Use of word justify
[i18n-activity] UTR #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Ordering Algorithm
[i18n-activity] Vertical text support in forms
[i18n-activity] week number is actually culturally linked
[i18n-activity] What do 'character key' and 'printable' mean?
[i18n-activity] When does the ABNF work for Tamil consonant clusters?
[i18n-activity] When should UAOA be used?
[i18n-activity] where unique key goes [non-I18N]
[i18n-activity] Which side of the line do Mongolian ruby annotations appear normally?
[i18n-activity] Why reduce accesskey values to a single code point?
[i18n-discuss] Change some links to HTTPS
[i18n-discuss] Complete the Chinese rows of the language matrix
[i18n-discuss] Fix an incorrect link
[i18n-discuss] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 27 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 8 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 8 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 25 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 25 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 16 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 July)
[i18n-discuss] Pull Request: Add lang="en" to the html start tag
[i18n-discuss] Pull Request: Change some links to HTTPS
[i18n-discuss] Pull Request: Complete the Chinese rows of the language matrix
[i18n-discuss] Pull Request: Fix an incorrect link
[ilreq] Change case 2 example to show intended result
[ilreq] Divide section 3
[ilreq] Hard to read explanatory text
[ilreq] Issues related to 'Initial letter styling'
[ilreq] Letter-spacing questions
[ilreq] new commits pushed by slata
[ilreq] Pull Request: Rewrite of "Vertical arrangements of characters"
[ilreq] Pull Request: Update index.html
[ilreq] Remove heading for section 5
[ilreq] Unicode chart
[ilreq] Variation in vertical arrangements
[ilreq] X1 and XN not clear
[klreq] Are emphasis marks used for Korean, and if so, which side?
[klreq] How are underlines positioned in Korean text?
[klreq] Is ruby text used with Korean?
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Numeric emoji styles
[typography] Arabic glyph transparency overlap
[typography] Arabic joining across style changes
[typography] Change some links to HTTPS
[typography] Default ruby position may be on the wrong side for tblr (eg. mongolian)
[typography] emphasis-position vs CSS text-emphasis-position + Mongolian
[typography] gap-analysis/zh, first draft
[typography] Italic or oblique faces in Chinese
[typography] More links to clreq
[typography] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Saturday, 30 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Saturday, 30 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Saturday, 30 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 27 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 22 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 21 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 21 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 21 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 21 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 21 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 31 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 29 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 29 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 29 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 29 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 25 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 July)
[typography] Position of ruby, text-emphasis, under/overline, etc in vertical-LR writing mode
[typography] Pull Request: Change some links to HTTPS
[typography] Pull Request: Fix a broken link
[typography] Pull Request: gap-analysis/zh, first draft
[typography] Pull Request: More links to clreq
[typography] Pull Request: Revising and expanding on notes for diacritics and italic.
[typography] Pull Request: Use the correct repo for issues
[typography] Revising and expanding on notes for diacritics and italic.
[typography] rubyAlign withBase
[typography] Use the correct repo for issues
[typography] Vertical text support in forms
Closed: [alreq] Vertical Arabic
Closed: [clreq] Duplicate definitions in the Glossary
Closed: [i18n-activity] Ambiguity in JSON-LD between human- and machine-readable strings for DC terms
Closed: [i18n-activity] Can <named-item> altText have xml:lang?
Closed: [i18n-activity] Content Negotiation doesn't mention language as a negotiating point
Closed: [i18n-activity] cursive shaping breaks needs better scoping
Closed: [i18n-activity] description of time zone
Closed: [i18n-activity] DTD vs. DT example comments
Closed: [i18n-activity] empty segments allowed? (non-I18N)
Closed: [i18n-activity] English idiom (non-I18N)(editorial)
Closed: [i18n-activity] How to space base characters where shiftRuby kicks in for group ruby?
Closed: [i18n-activity] It should be easier to specify direction for RTL script users
Closed: [i18n-activity] Make unicode-bidi:isolate the default for an element with a dir attribute (instead of unicode-bidi:embed) (chrome)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Please provide more illustrations and examples for the ruby sections
Closed: [i18n-activity] Remote Playback API > 2016-12-31
Closed: [i18n-activity] Serialization of Dublin Core terms in XML is not defined
Closed: [i18n-activity] Should we allow more overhang for Chinese?
Closed: [i18n-activity] Subscription request needs to define UTF-8
Closed: [i18n-activity] Support for bopomofo ruby needed
Closed: [i18n-activity] tts:writingMode example is not helpful
Closed: [i18n-activity] Vertical text support in forms
Closed: [i18n-activity] week number is actually culturally linked
Closed: [ilreq] Change case 2 example to show intended result
Closed: [ilreq] Divide section 3
Closed: [ilreq] Issues related to 'Initial letter styling'
Closed: [ilreq] Letter-spacing questions
Closed: [ilreq] Remove heading for section 5
Closed: [ilreq] Replace 5.3.2 heading with text
Closed: [ilreq] Variation in vertical arrangements
Closed: [typography] Add auto value for text-decoration-skip
Closed: [typography] Arabic glyph transparency overlap
Closed: [typography] Arabic joining across style changes
Closed: [typography] Clarify text-spacing: punctuation
Closed: [typography] Combining ruby and emphasis marks
Closed: [typography] Emphasis marks and auto-hiding ruby annotation
Closed: [typography] How are underlines positioned in non-Latin text?
Closed: [typography] Italic or oblique faces in Chinese
Closed: [typography] No way to set the underline width/thickness
Closed: [typography] Position of ruby, text-emphasis, under/overline, etc in vertical-LR writing mode
Closed: [typography] Requests to implement CSS Counter Styles
Closed: [typography] Should text-decoration-skip apply to overline and line-through?
Closed: [typography] Text underlines' positions cannot be fine-tuned
Closed: [typography] text-decoration-skip: ink should allow not to skip for CJK and certain ideographic scripts
Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2017 09:05:27 UTC