The state of hydra

Am 02.12.18 um 13:27 schrieb Graham Cox:
> For me personally, and I'll openly admit that I'm totally new to Hydra
> (but not too HTTP API development) the biggest issue is that there is
> very little in terms of worked examples. Both for Hydra and JSON-LD.

Absolutely, that makes it hard for me as well.

> There are a few examples, but they aren't trivial and there's not much
> that explains how they work. That alone makes it harder than it needs
> to be to just jump in and get working.


> I've also found that the Hydra playground doesn't like my personal
> tests.. I put up on <> an almost
> exact clone of the event API example, and couldn't get the Hydra
> playground to work with it.

Same here. I don't know if my Hydra API is wrong, or if the playground /
Hydra Console is just outdated. Cannot tell, because the Spec doesn't
help me in the current state.

> And it's a shame because from the outside it looks like Hydra is a
> hugely promising way to build easy to consume APIs.

I think the idea of Hydra is very promising. This is why I am here.  If
there is still work to be done, that's totally ok, let's do it. But it
is even hard to collaborate, somehow.

Kind regards,

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 16:34:21 UTC