RE: Project Introduction

Hi Martin,

On Monday, December 4, 2017 12:10 PM, Martin Bailey wrote
> I am currently working on an software project that handles biomedical
> bibliographic data for systematic review. The input of this system is
> millions of bibliographic items, pubmed etc. The output of this system
> will be used to produce medical guidelines and recommendations.
> We have previously built a system that unifies pubmed, ovid, proquest,
> embase, ontologies to the FaBiO  bibliographic ontology, from the SPAR
> ontology suite. We created a single query languages to allow queries
> across these disparate databases using one standard syntax.
> We have a 3rd system that discovers the 'free text' information give
> some citation data, it can automatically order from the British
> Library if no free text is available.
> All of these systems use Hydra as there API vocabulary. We are now
> able to seamlessly link these systems, and  make them available to
> other parties in the future.

Do you have any links to a more detailed description of these projects or to demos?

> I have 3 years experience of using Hydra as an API vocabulary. We use
> the Hydra vocabulary as the internal view model structure of our
> application. All of these systems content negotiate both HTML and JSON
> by default.
> Since I am a keen advocate of REST, the adoption of Hydra, internally
> within the application domain, as been an invaluable way of
> standardizing and testing our code. We don't limit its use to just the
> output format of our systems, it is also used as a mechanism for
> enforcing the hypermedia constraint within our domain.
> I am keen to hook up with others in this community. If you consider
> any of this experience to be of use to you, please don't hesitate in
> getting back to me.

As I just wrote to Stephen, it would help us a lot to learn from your experience building real world systems with Hydra. Did you come across anything that should be improved? Anything missing that should be included directly into Hydra?


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2017 08:09:52 UTC