Re: purpose and scope (was: Pagination (ISSUE-42))

Hi Andrew,

> I also believe that Roy Fieldings "Hypermedia is the engine of application state" has limited applicability to contemporary web applications.

“Hypermedia as the engine” only works within a single application.
I've discussed this affordance paradox before [1].

> It is absurd to think the api endpoint for twitter can somehow know the full application context

We don't think that.
What we aim to do with the Hydra Core Vocabulary is to provide an interoperable set of hypermedia controls so that at least the application state transitions of a single application can be expressed uniformly. It's the machine-interpretable version of <a> and <form>, where machines can also interpret what will happen before they follow the links or submit the forms. And like on the human Web, there are never links and forms to everything.

> I want MY applications to work at a superior level to what the Hydra console or any generic client provides and I am sure everyone else here does too since you can't really say 'go use the hydra console' to a user as your front end.

The Console just proves that your application can be consumed by generic clients. That is something new. Most existing APIs require custom clients. Enabling generic clients is a major goal of Hydra.




Received on Monday, 16 February 2015 08:24:17 UTC