Re: FYI: Open Forum : Long Email: Introducing Human Centric AI as a SIG-Topic

Hi Mark,

Your proposal is technically unclear.  Furthermore, I have concerns that
the perhaps unintended consequence may be that the instruments you propose
would lead to controlling what people are allowed to think; but moreover,
there are alot of questions, and indeed also, I have different ideas about
how to achieve support for human rights, rule of law, etc...  so, I wonder
whether the implication of your proposal would in-fact act as to seek to
invalidate any such forms of alternatives...   How do computers work
without AI agents?  What is your definition of AI?

A sample W3C Specification template is available:  NB Also:


On Tue, 26 Sept 2023 at 15:21, Mark Lizar <> wrote:

> Hi  Tim,
> This is a lot - but I agree with you on multiple points - We are looking
> for support calling for all AI to be required to prove notice receipts
> (micro credentials for every data processing input) thus enabling people
> with their own ai records, with which to govern AI,
> - Mark
> On Sep 25, 2023, at 5:50 PM, Timothy Holborn <>
> wrote:
> Please find the content from the email I have forwarded to the ISOC Open
> Forum (copy/paste), below...
> any questions, feedback, concerns or otherwise; let me know.
> NB:
> Hi All,
> I'm writing to the list to introduce my works and ideas about the future
> of Human Centric AI.
> Whilst it is my hope that we will successfully bring about this SIG and
> through that engage in the discussions and works that provide our sense of
> what the requirements for these new types of systems and agents will be, i
> thought i would share with you some of my considerations, thoughts and
> (draft) works that have been done overtime.
> I note that the submission has attracted support from some wonderfully
> skilled, talented and highly capable individuals who are very well placed
> to help to advance the beginnings of this topic, as the efforts become
> coordinated should this opportunity succeed in attracting sufficient
> support, as required to bring it about.
> I will follow-up with more details about the social aspects of the history
> at a later stage, whilst encouraging others to reach-out and become added
> to the list!
> <>
> There is also a historical website:   and
> has also been obtained, to support both the W3C &
> hopefully also ISOC works.  Without support, these works are unlikely to
> develop to the level required to bring the outcomes about in a way that
> could otherwise be achieved, for humanity.
> These works are not new, indeed, i have made a significant effort to bring
> about the tooling to support the creation of these agents, over a very long
> period of time..
> Quick History:
> Knowledge Banking Doc 2012 (A Summary from back then)
> <> (NB:
> More expansive document early 2013
> <>
>  )
> Why Fixing "Fake News" is a difficult problem to solve 2017
> <>
> The Human Centric infosphere 2018
> <>
> Protecting Citizens & Critical Identifier Attacks 2018
> <>
> I spoke at the auIGF in 2014.  Then, as I was publically defining the
> 'Human Centric' concept via the w3c works,
> In 2017 i produced: as was part of that
> work, i first published: on christmas
> day 2016...
> The Credentials
> <>(from
> the Web Payments <> works) led
> to the 'digital identity' rollout via other forms of market participants,
> globally, during covid... FWIW: I disagreed, noting that there are
> different ideologies that exist and it is my opinion that it is quite
> important to ensure that there are different options allowed; so long as,
> they provide support for human rights & rule of law as well as if not
> better than, the alternatives. As far as i can tell, their solutions most
> often define people via a wallet with a shared private key; whereas, it is
> my strong view that these types of solutions cannot support Human Centric
> AI, at least, not in the way i intended to create the tools to support.
> I had already been working on this concept of trying to figure out how to
> deliver the first 'knowledge banks
> <>'
> as i called them, having made some progress locally ('internet australia'
> or ISOC-AU) whilst also having prepared documentation for a 'Web Civics'
> SIG in 2019
> <>
> ...
> Whilst the notion of needing to support the AI Agents, which is the
> interface to the 'data storage' environment (ie: web-payments, credentials
> / verifiable claims, rww - as is now advanced as solid); was known long
> ago, i didn't previously lead with this term, as is now the case; but
> therein, one of the major threats to successfully achieving the goals of
> these works, was that whomever implements the first network for storing
> peoples 'data', could be the last. That if a commercial approach to support
> human rights was undertaken; then whoever implements the first 'network' if
> done commercially, would likely seek to ensure that they're the only
> provider available.  This was sought to be addressed as a major risk /
> threat; which, has been the main underlying reason for seeking to achieve
> the implementation of this infrastructure via ISOC...
> now, many years later; Human Centric AI SIG running for Election!
> The ISOC Human Centric AI SIG (special interest group
> <>) proposal for election is a
> significant milestone; whereby you, the members, are now provided the
> option to vote on whether or not ISOC should advance these very important
> works.
> I hope this outline will provide enough information about the many aspects
> and aspirational goals that i hope to achieve by progressing works to bring
> about Human Centric AI Agents, at large.
> The basis upon which Human Centric AI agents can be brought about,
> requires the means to ensure that people have a meaningful useful
> relationship with the records about their lives. The means to achieve these
> goals requires the information to be stored in particular ways; as well as
> the means to process many 'social' factors, in addition to the technical
> aspects.
> Whilst there is a very wide-spectrum of 'things to do';
> 1. The internet today is without 'digital embassies', places where the
> most vulnerable are provided the means to retain access to the digital
> records of their lives...
> Whether the threat of losing all the information about their lives is due
> to hardware failure, cyber attacks, poverty, alleged crime or serving time
> in prison; or circumstances pertaining to 'alleged' refugees; who need to
> prove the merits of their circumstance, before being afforded refugee
> status; the means to ensure HUMAN RIGHTS are afforded to all, requires some
> sort of 'infrastructure provider' to help to ensure these capacities are
> part of the 'digital transformation' outcomes...
> In-order for a 'human centric ai' agent (software agent / processor); to
> function, it requires the comprehensive use of the information about the
> human being who 'owns' it..  the data-subject..
> This capability is not merely a 'wallet', rather, it involves a series of
> complex requirements in-order to support, at the core of it, 'selfhood' of
> the natural person...  it's about support for 'personal ontology', which is
> itself a very complex topic...
> *"personal ontology is concerned with the kinds of things that might
> exemplify those properties, such as immaterial souls, human animals,
> embodied minds, bundles of perceptions, etc."  source:
> <>*
> The implications are profound.
> This capability / that's similar yet different to a 'hosting service';
> then needs to be defined in a manner that is portable, between providers;
> and there are many policy areas that need to be explored in-order to
> deliver the means to best support this infrastructure.
> 2.  'Web Civics', 'Permissive Commons', 'Human Rights', Social Web and
> Ending Digital Slavery.
> These 'Human Centric AI' agents; require 'commons' information structured
> in a particular way, as to then compute informatics processes both; in
> relation to the aspects pertaining to 'selfhood' (the intimate, private,
> 'vault' of self); and in-turn also, the social or broader world as does
> in-turn relate to 'personhood' as is in philosophy and law, a term that is
> closely tied with legal and political concepts of citizenship, equality,
> and liberty.
> More specifically, whilst 'personhood' infrastructure often now exists for
> legal personalities (companies, organisations, incorporated entities and in
> some regions, software); the means to support natural persons in their own
> private capacity and/or with associative supports for persons for whom
> guardianship relates (ie: children, elderly, severe disability; or
> temporarily in circumstances such as hospitalisation); does not really
> exist...
> The internet also lacks the infrastructure needed to support humanitarian
> works online, at scale, on fair-terms; which in-turn acts to extinguish our
> capacities to produce the infrastructure needed to remedy these incredibly
> significant problems.
> At an 'informatics' level; the notion of 'permissive commons', refers to
> an 'uplift' of 'open-data', which has historically been provided in very
> basic forms of informatics resources, lacks many features and is largely
> not decentralised...
> *"The Legal interpretation of the term 'commons' is defined as Something
> that is common is owned equally by two or more people, such as a piece of
> land. A Tenancy in Common is an interest in land wherein at least two
> people share ownership." Source: legal dictionary
> <>*
> Therein; within this 'social' domain; there are different levels of
> 'centricity', including 'human centric', 'agent centric' and 'entity
> centric' layers that relate to the stewardship of different kinds of
> informatics resources.  These resources then need to be made available in a
> way that supports tamper-evidence, provenance, version control and the
> means to make use of those resources locally; by Human Centric AI agents,
> that are then involved in producing new records (temporally); that makes
> use of those resources via links...
> In-effect; the requirements for a 'human centric ai' agent, to function
> effectively, locally, on consumer electronics (ie: laptops, desktops, local
> home-network devices, etc); requires both the decentralisation of the Giant
> Global Graph <> as well
> as extensive language works.
> Therein; whilst it is hoped that this may be performed in a manner that is
> supported by 'entity centric' considerations; such as, that the use of a
> version of UN human rights instruments that can support the utility of
> those terms for agreements between one-another, being supported by the UN
> (which has been a historically difficult objective to achieve); somehow,
> these informatics resources need to be produced and held in trust or
> furnished some form of morally honourable stewardship; and the volume of
> works needed, are extensive.
> Whilst the 'smart data storage' systems are able to be federated (ie: a
> person has an online 'backup' on a 'knowledge bank' // host; as well as a
> home server (ie: mac mini); and elements on their devices (ie: laptops /
> desktops / mobile phones); akin to a 'personal cloud',
> The 'ontologies' that most pervasively exist today are built upon the old
> 'mainframe' based requirements, in which the vast majority of the tools
> define 'consumers' as 'things', not people.  the ontologies do not easily
> support our humanity, our selfhood, our 'status' as 'observers'; nor our
> natural languages...
> Whilst there are many misnomers out there about AI and how different forms
> of AI science functions; in-order to fabricate 'human centric ai', we need
> to create spatio-temporal (space / time) natural language ontologies; that
> are formatted with both graph & vector informatics, in a way that can be
> employed on consumer electronics with a relatively small memory /
> computational footprint.
> With the study and computational implementation of natural languages;
> comes also, the process through which our history, culture, the history of
> words and events become embodied within the structured data-resources; that
> are then called upon, contextually, in relation to our activities both 'of
> ourselves', and indeed also socially; as to form 'sense-making' apparatus...
> upon which, all else employs to produce the informatics requirements
> needed; to support the way these 'human centric ai' agents are made able to
> function...
> including the means through which 'values credentials' or instruments that
> are able to be used when forming relationships electronically with
> one-another online, such as to include but not be limited to human rights
> based instruments; codes of conduct, laws, etc… that are then able to be
> appended to reflect the changes in law and/or relationships that occur
> throughout life, whilst still maintaining the ability to support the nature
> of historical informatics.
> The consequential implication of these works is that, we need to figure
> out a way through which people are able to be paid fairly for their useful
> works & contributions; in a manner that does not lead to rendering
> obligations in perpetuity, or some form of 'tax' on our 'thoughtware'...
> This in-turn requires the construction of solutions that address these
> challenges both technically (ie: appropriate economic mechanisms),
> organisationally (stewards, governance) and legally (ie: 'human rights'
> software licensing, contracts, etc.).
> What this is thought likely to end-up doing; is to lead to a circumstance
> where we will be testing a framework to support human rights (ie: fair work
> terms, means to address (digital) slavery, exploitation, corruption, etc.);
> as we seek to construct the tooling needed, to produce 'human centric ai'
> infrastructure; that is then intended, to be equipped to support the
> development of 'peace infrastructure projects' world-wide; as required, to
> achieve SDGs (sustainable development goals).
> 3. (Cyber) Safety (Security) implications
> So, it is important to note that the objective of these works should be to
> provide an OPTION rather than a 'mandate'. There are various alternatives
> that have been invested into by various people at levels of great
> significance.  interoperability & portability is considered to be an
> important part of the requirements...  However, these systems are different.
> The tooling that has been advanced over the decades, considers the use of
> Signed RDF resources, decentralised informatics, the use of Domain Names,
> DNS records, IPv6 subnets (Security extensions), TLS certs, DLTs, TLS,
> OIDC, WebAuthn, etc...  The technical methods are intended to support the
> needs of legitimate law-enforcement & cyber security requirements (rule of
> law / legal requirements, evidentiary systems, etc.); as well as providing
> comprehensive protections against 'insider threat' vectors, etc.
> Part of the 'human centric' concept; is that, it is not 'governments' who
> breach peoples human rights, it is people, human beings - who have a job in
> a public institution; who is either carrying out their duties in a lawfully
> honourable manner, or is not; and per 'rule of law' the place to decide
> disputes where required, is in a court of law, should peace be sought;
> rather than corruption or protection under some statute that pertains to
> acts of war.
> Historically, there has been an unfortunately low level of support for
> rule of law; so much so, that it is common that many people are engaged in
> unlawful activities, when considered in association to commonplace
> activities, that are not better addressed, by law.  but if there is no
> support for rule of law, then the importance of addressing these issues is
> mute.
> SO, the informatics environment creates what i call 'social encryption';
> in which, through the moral inclusion of natural persons as a first-class
> 'internet citizen' (via their 'human centric ai' agent, a 'webizen'); the
> cryptographically associative temporal records of what people do, are
> spread across the tenants involved in whatever happened; and this in-turn,
> becomes an incredibly secure 'social' 'fabric', where the ability to
> entirely mute the facts of what happened to anyone involved, becomes a
> problem about hacking the internet… or the decision of a judge in a court
> of law…
> not just one 'node'... or database... Or privateer…. Law.
> This is in-turn supported via the 'permissive commons' aspects; whereby,
> there are means to temper threats, via law...  but that also, the means to
> engage in acts of violence and/or manipulate circumstances improperly (ie:
> corruption activities) is significantly disaffected.
> this is thought likely to challenge many commonly accepted practices, in
> many different areas...  as the informatics systems, promote an elevation
> of our capacities as a human family; from an 'information age', to an
> ontologically astute series of fabrics for the promotion of a 'knowledge
> age'..  this is in-turn considered essential, should we figure out how to
> empower every human being on the planet with the means to find something
> useful to do, that may positively benefit others; and that, they can just
> go do it...
> To achieve SDGs, it is my view, that we want to ensure there is support
> for 'medicinal earth' outcomes; what this means, is that we need to
> construct the knowledge fabrics needed in-order to support the means for
> people to rehabilitate the soils, environments and build medicinal villages
> and societies; where the knowledge of how to make use of flora, fauna and
> funga; when blended with the use of a personal human centric ai agent,
> provides the means for people to know how to support their wellbeing via
> what they consume; and, how they are then also able to work towards the
> construction of outcomes that improve our biosphere, our sociosphere and
> the socioeconomic standing and opportunities available to themselves, their
> children and more broadly their communities.. our communities...
> Whilst these goals invariably require economic recognitions; methods,
> systems and processes; the implication also becomes, one of legal
> responsibility in relation to the gainful work activities that people do
> either online, or in a manner empowered by online systems.
> 4.  Harmoniously 'competitive' environments for the promotion of
> humanitarian 'digital transformation' works...
> It has been my observation that the vast majority of persons involved in
> forming political decisions about the future of artificial intelligence, in
> particular, whilst they have highlighted the importance of 'human centric
> ai'; seemingly, the lens in which they consider what is best; more
> specifically focuses upon the advancement of global 'platforms' and in-turn
> also, the desires of governments; which often also, acts to negate the
> needs of citizens whose troubles relate to mistreatment by government
> employees and contractors.
> It appears that technically; there is simply a lack of awareness of the
> possibilities, which are often considered therefore 'theoretical' until
> such a time, as they have a fully produced embodiment made available to
> them as a consumer; to then be empowered, to think about.
> so, there's a need to seek out the 'old skool geeks' in our world; to help
> produce those RD&D outcomes, whilst is it also CRITICAL that we seek out
> supports from professionals in many, many different fields; to work through
> the various implications via its many lenses.  Therein; a variety of
> different approaches have been rapidly developed and whilst i consider
> these approaches to be different, the means to ensure that there is
> interoperability, portability and ecosystem supports to ensure other
> ecosystems can work with human centric ai systems and vice versa; without
> impugning the properties of Human Centric AI systems and/or one or any
> classes of these forms of systems; in some form of undeclared manner, that
> would act detrimental to the underlying moral worth & cyber-security
> properties, of these systems.
> 5. ISOC
> It is my strong belief; that the fastest and best available option to
> provide this infrastructure is via ISOC chapters.
> This is then in-turn able to support the promotion of other 'digital
> transformation' works, in a time-frame believed to be far more quickly
> brought about, than what may otherwise come about via the UN; particularly
> given the apparent 'platform centric' focus of its efforts based upon how
> it has been informed of the options.  There have been several occasions
> where professionals from the political field have told me that they do not
> understand the technology and are dependent upon what they are told by
> 'industry experts', but in this situation; those who are most equipped to
> provide the level of professional engagement sought by the public sector,
> is in-fact the global platforms who have every interest in seeking to
> ensure that they are THE critical REQUIREMENT for the future of
> THOUGHTWARE.  As all legal personalities (legal personhood) have the right
> not to self-incriminate (a rule of law principle); there has been an
> absence of representation for the needs of human beings, and this situation
> must be turned around somehow...
> The productivity losses alone, warrant the investment needed to deliver
> the outcomes we need to produce a 'trust factory' to deliver 'human centric
> ai' that can then be trusted as a form of technological infrastructure to
> support our thoughtware... our human agency, life.
> This is not intended to mean - that there should be no other options;
> indeed, if that were the case then the meaning of 'human centric ai' would
> likely become THE TOPIC that people seek to fight over, to define, as to
> maximise profits; and we, will likely be consumed.
> There are many questions that remain outstanding, that are not simply
> about the 'technical standards' although works in those areas is also
> critical; rather, there are various notions of 'platform providers' but in
> these frameworks, people are in-effect their own 'platform provider' in
> many ways; and whilst there are many benefits that are envisaged possible
> (ie: paying people for useful work via micropayments and/or otherwise
> (therefore also taxation), local jurisdictional supports (therefore
> improved access to justice); as these systems have not existed previously,
> the ramifications of how they are best able to be supported to promote
> human rights (inc. rule of law); is yet to be better understood, as is
> necessary, prior to encoding rules into 'ontologies'.  Given the
> differences, there have been suggestions that this is in-turn some form of
> 'new internet', or similar... some means that seeks to distinguish how
> these systems operate as to support law; as to ensure that any measures
> taken to address the problems with 'platforms' do not act to
> lock-humanity-out, of being furnished the tooling needed for human rights,
> human dignity, peace via these forms of Human Centric AI Ecosystems. In
> some ways, it is not unlike the advent of Linux, as is now instrumental.
> Most people who have had an instrumental historical role with the creation
> and development of the internet, have had an involvement at some stage with
> Internet Society.  Whilst some may not still be involved, it is hoped that
> the right type of purposeful objective may well lead to many becoming more
> involved, once again...
> It is my view; that whilst the challenges are significant, the best known
> opportunity to address these challenges is via uplifting the infrastructure
> that is; Internet Society...  In-turn, there are many 'social issues' that
> need to be addressed, which is thought to be part of the 'wheel-house' of
> ISOC in relation to internet governance infrastructure; and relationships
> had or held historically, internationally.
> W3C is the historical venue for establishing 'web standards' which is
> loosely, both the 'world wide web' as well as the 'web of data', or the
> underlying tooling that has been defined over decades, to power software
> agents (ai).
> W3C does not historically get involved in works pertaining to the 'social
> factors'. rather, W3C is the place to support the development of 'web
> standards' that are provided support via the patent pools of its members.
> Whereas Internet Society and its chapters do Actively engage in 'internet
> policy' related matters.  This has historically been associated with
> regional IGF events throughout the world, which then leads to the
> international IGF that has been a critical means through which the UN / ITU
> has in-turn been informed by the global internet community at large.
> Whilst these frameworks are seemingly a topic of discussion via the UN
> Digital Compact (digital transformation agenda, etc.); i am not aware of
> any other existing capabilities, that may be extended to support
> humanitarian 'knowledge banks' for those most in need; and, as a means to
> progress 'web civics' works, on peace infrastructure projects whilst
> looking to provide support for human rights via this approach that is
> squarely focused upon the practice of doing so via 'Human Centric AI'
> systems.
> One of the finer points herein; is that one of the long-term challenges
> has been, to seek to ensure that whatever the first implementation is, does
> not become the last implementation; but rather, a means to support the
> stimulus required to support what some have called a 'human centric
> internet', but is moreover about the means to make use of technology as
> tools; to promote, supports for human rights; particularly, for those who
> most require the useful employment of those rights, in a manner that best
> supports peace.
> Yet moreover, whilst the 'social factors' are more about the works that
> 'should' be done via ISOC (not w3c); the outcomes are then likely to inform
> what works could or should be progressed, via the W3C Human Centric AI
> <> group, set-up earlier this
> year...  Importantly also, the means to figure out how to fund the work of
> people doing humanitarian work, in a manner whereby humanity is the
> intended beneficiary; is significantly uplifted should these ISOC works
> become successful; and in-turn, equipped by supporters.
> 6. Values Credentials
> I have started, today, writing some AI compatible versions of the ISOC
> Code of Conduct and Mission Statement.  I am yet to seek to address the
> privacy policy…
> This is the beginnings of an example of how we are able to create online
> resources that provide declarative semantics, that then provide the means
> to support the use of Human Centric AI agents.  These processes require a
> great deal of work, to ensure supports of Human Rights; and address the
> many difficult use-cases that relate to the procedural requirements
> associated with the dynamics of multi-agent systems; and how to seek to
> ensure optimisation in a way that can better ensure systems promote
> supports that ensure decisions are correct in the eyes of history not
> simply otherwise, as assumed at the time a claim was made.  These
> considerations have many implications, that in-turn need to be worked
> through as to support human rights based outcomes.
> See Also Draft Example of UDHR Values Credentials
> <>.
> (more notes below
> 7. Technical & Related Notes
> Whilst i have been working on a particular form of ecosystem, to support
> private and personal AI agents that operate in a particular way; socially,
> this is not something that i seek to define personally; rather, the moral
> and honourable practice method, is seeking to engage with others and figure
> out what we, as a community whom are involved, agree upon; after,
> discovery, discussion, processing the options; Nonetheless,
> It is my belief that the best available option for producing a 'backwards
> compatibility spec'; which is basically about defining a set of
> requirements, that means systems are required to be able to export to those
> defined specifications; as to ensure users ("owners") can be migrated
> between systems whilst maintaining the functional use of those systems even
> if they've been migrated elsewhere, or that new rules have been applied
> (ie: due to court orders);  is most likely to be premised upon W3C
> Standards works, notwithstanding some known issues with respect to the
> documentation of these works; Therein, it is important to consider that not
> all application of technical standards are expressly defined in the
> documentation of those standards...
> Some of the older resources;
> -
> -
> - Example of decentralised 'micro-blogging' app that used RWW servers:
> - TimBL demonstrating 'solid' on his laptop (thought likely to be
> developed over decades?)
> The libraries now support verifiable claims / credentials, etc.
> There are several implementations, ranging from 'personal' solutions
> through to enterprise (ie: BBC) and government (IE: flanders, belgium)
>    -
>    -
>    -
>    If you would like to test one out; see,
>    -
>       -
>       -
>       Related works:
> There are a number of differences in relation to the approach; that is
> thought important for support of 'human centric ai' in the form, that i
> have been working towards...  In-part also, this relates to the use of
> domain names and consequently therefore also, IPv6.
> Herein; whilst Solid may not end-up being the solution for Human Centric
> AI, it is considered to be an option for commencing the process of
> constructing the decentralised informatics systems, that are then able to
> be uplifted overtime to better support Human Centric AI Agents & related
> systems.  The way these systems work is in a decentralised manner.
> Diagram: interface Example  (NB also: from ~2015
>  )
> The image below illustrates some dev work that was done earlier this year,
> where a web-extension provides the capacity for people to 'log in' to their
> Human Centric AI (IdP via a Solid Server); and then launch 'apps'
> (html/css/js) locally in the browser; the implication being, that the
> 'social web' is baked into the browser (rather, underlying data-service,
> per image below); this then means that people can interact with any URI
> (web-page); and that their 'social' environment is defined by
> themselves...  not platforms... Solid can support implementations now, that
> support the ability to start to get a comprehension of how these systems
> work; and therefore also, what are the many implications that may need to
> be addressed via ISOC works.
> Work is presently being done to investigate how this may in-turn be
> integrated with a blockchain solution for micropayments / tokens /
> financial & non-financial currencies (which requires a 'vault' as is
> different to a 'wallet' as 'identity' is defined via the 'inforg
> <>
> ')
> It is important to note; that the underlying 'data services' that provide
> support for functions such as 'social-relationships' with other 'entities'
> are not managed by the 'app', but rather the underlying data-service…  This
> means that the context in which people manage the information in
> association to their relationships with others is in-turn - human centric;
> the 'social graph' or complex 'address book' / permissive
> commons-structures work in 'any  app'...
> Illustrative Diagram: Systems
> The below diagram was also produced earlier this year; as i was working
> through the process of figuring out how to define the 'natural language
> ontologies' and the systems needed to support it; that then provide the
> means for people to use natural language, to define how they seek to
> categorise relationships, for 'connections' with one-another and various
> other functions...
> In this diagram; the term 'web 3.0' refers to the sort of definitions made
> earlier:
> <>
> but that, not all functions can be supported either in the 'web browser'
> or via an extension; so there needs to be an underlying 'agent' (the human
> centric ai - agent); that supports the functionality required, to process
> information locally, act as an API interface for other forms of AI packages
> (ie: transformer models, etc);  and also, as a local 'server' that is then
> able to support the decentralised functionalities, etc...
> But herein are various considerations relating to the 'human centric'
> nature of the informatics design, whereby the means to support
> relationships without platform intermediaries is supported; but this
> in-turn leads to the need to consider various implications & the need for
> 'safety protocols'...
> These works are also being advanced to consider how addresses may be
> applied to 'things' (as distinct to people); as the means to figure out how
> to support humanitarian (tech) work online in a manner that promotes human
> rights, is considered to be a top priority; without seeking to make 'poor
> choices'...  Therein, whilst there is personal cryptography involved; it is
> more of a vault, than a wallet.
> NB: some more unfinished earlier work, illustrating in-part, some of the
> future objectives...
> Earlier this year, i also set-up;  and
>  and acquired the ''
> domain for use with standards communities; whereby the future hope, is that
> sufficient progress is made as to bring about the opportunity to migrate
> stewardship of 'web civics' and related efforts to any such future
> safe-harbour as to improve the means through which these long-term goals,
> can be progressed and hopefully therefore also; realised…
> The implementation I have been working on employs domain names, DNS
> records & IPv6 (security extensions, etc.); and, it has a 'host' framework
> to support pseudo-anonymised 'informatics'; but that largely, the means in
> which the AI agent operates, is local for people who have a laptop or
> similar...  This has then sought to be developed further with 'group'
> systems (ie: places of work, schools, etc.) that leverage off the existence
> of underlying 'human centric ai' supports provided to individuals.
> Then through the use of domain names as the primary means to form linkable
> identifiers (inc. use of DNS records); relationships are defined between
> people (/agents) in a manner that employs 'value credentials' that denote
> the shared 'values' that are expected to be supported by one-another in
> relation to that relationship; whereby, the terms and nature of
> relationships change overtime, and the artefacts end-up being supported via
> the 'permissive commons' frameworks; with legal support.
> Operationally, that is, in relation to the 'modal' structure of how i've
> been doing these works; i've observed many significant differences between
> the process in which i have sought to prosecute the development of
> technology to support human rights in this particular sort of way; as an
> individual, that has seemingly not been possible for the vast majority of
> others, whose works are facilitated through the lens of their role as an
> agent for an employer; sought, to represent the interests of their employer
> first & foremost..   It is my opinion that this dutiful methodology has had
> many very negative repercussions.
> Somehow, people need to be able to declare the requirements that are most
> important to them; because, they are human...  and without that humanity,
> being furnished the capacities needed to be supported as to grow
> peacefully, towards one's fullest potential:
> It seems to me that there's not much good purpose to go create 'human
> centric ai' supporting systems; if, the objectives that are sought by those
> who empower the capacity for people to exist, seek to make unconscionable
> demands.   There are a plurality of very difficult human rights use-cases
> that have not been addressed very well in the public forums where web
> standards, and similar, are created...  there's a lot to do... but, the
> essence of it, becomes substantively about forging the apparatus through
> which we may better understand ourselves; and through us, our world..  both
> the space & inter-space… the nature, of who we are as persons & what it is,
> we do…
> I have provided an Appendix of resources below, that provides some more
> information. However, I would like to note that the protocol for making
> decisions is hoped to be via group decisions and that the links illustrate
> various factors that relates to the ISOC work sought to be done; in
> consideration of the complexities, but that these works are not necessarily
> ISOC works other than as necessary to support enablement. Group efforts are
> sought to be undertaken that may therefore be achieved through discussion
> and efforts to seek to ensure complementary good faith engagement on works
> seeking to form cooperative outcomes; which may lead to differences that
> could, for instance, be catered for by classifications or other means of
> categorisation.
> Overtime, it is hoped that the innovation tools to support work online
> will develop and that through the use of these tools, our means to make
> better efforts more productively will be improved.
> If you have any questions, concerns, issues, ideas or suggestions; or if
> you're simply excited and want to reach out, please do not hesitate to do
> so…
> Sincerely and with Kind Regards,
> Timothy Charles Holborn.
> The Peace Infrastructure Projects Library
> <>
> This is currently presented as a google drive folder, whilst it is hoped
> to create a decentralised 'semantic library' in future. The Library is
> constantly updated, contributions are welcomed and in particular it is
> encouraged that others form a similar folder; and then provide a link to
> that folder which can in-turn be added to one-anothers libraries… The
> source of this content is primarily via linkedin posts; however, when i
> perform research online or are forwarded documents, i also add them to this
> library.  The categorisation is difficult, as many documents relate to
> multiple topics; and the means to more easily make use of; and make
> (social) annotations is not well supported presently.  Note also, that i am
> influenced by my language skills (english) and place (Australia).  It is
> understood that there are different resources available to people with
> different skills to my own, and it is desirable that the means to uplift
> our ability to share knowledge is brought about via Human Centric AI
> Systems.
> Within this folder, the Tech Ethics Folder
> <> contains
> various publications about ethics and human rights.  The DevOps
> <> folder
> contains various technical resources, and in particular therein, the
> DataScience
> <> folder
> contains a large amount of information about various kinds of AI Sciences,
> whilst other miscellaneous AI publications are in the AI MISC
> <>
>  folder..
> The Blockchain & Web3
> <> folder
> contains files about that, alongside SSI (self sovereign identity); which
> is considered to be a different method for defining human identity, than is
> achieved via these Human Centric AI related approaches.
> The Gov & Defence related docs
> <> folder
> contains files and folders for regions, multi-governmental groups and
> Cyber
> <> from
> a policy related intelligence point of view, as is supplemented by PsyOps
> <>
> .
> The ID - IoT - GIS - ARBR (metaverse)
> <> folder
> contains files about 'things' and larger scale considerations such as
> industry 4.0, smart cities and mobility as a service, 'metaverse', etc..
> The Selfhood
> <> folder
> seeks to collate information that pertains to human lives; education,
> health, psychology, consciousness studies and knowledge representation; and
> other social factors; and the QM
> <> folder
> (quantum) collates some of the information about quantum physics & related
> applications.
> It is thought probable that quantum physics has something to do with the
> function of 'mind' or 'consciousness'; however, the mechanism is unknown.
> There is years of research into the field of 'consciousness studies'...  I
> have a YouTube Playlist
> <> as
> well as a Timeline
> <> Presentation
> that helps to provide further insights into the progression of works and
> theories in this complex field.
> NOTE: About 'language models', until recently a large language model was
> something like Babelnet cyc FrameNet Framester Lemon linguist list SUMO
> WordNet, etc.  However more recently, due to the emergence of transformer
> models the term 'large language model' is now far less clear.
> Consequently, the resources about language models is now in multiple places
> in the library.  The work to create a solution for spatio-temporal
> n-dimensional storage and use of resources such as language models, is
> described in the Spatio-Temporal: Human Centric AI Package Format
> <>
>  document.
> METHODS STUDY:  The method seeks to provide practice examples of how
> decentralised knowledge sharing could or should work.  This then supports
> the means to better understand future requirements for systems to support a
> 'hyper media library' and related works.
> Some Examples include;
>    -
>    Ted Nelson - Xanadu Space:
>    -
>    British Museum - ResearchSpace -
> Youtube Libraries (video libraries)
> *Medicinal Earth*
> The Medicinal Earth concept is an upper-level 'objective' concept that I
> have started to use to inform the approach that I am seeking to bring
> about, particularly given the declared objective of WHO to address 'digital
> identity' as a matter of great importance for human health (and mental
> wealth)..
> The concept is about the idea that we use ICT / AI in a way that promotes
> our ability to understand how to create medicinal environments and in-turn
> through the use of knowledge, learn how to use those medicinals in our
> daily lives to support our health and wellbeing; both individually, and
> in-turn also moreover socially.
> I have also started on a list for fungi or funga, which was previously not
> well known by me.
> This in-turn feeds into the broader body of knowledge sought to be
> developed around,
> Biosphere Management;
> Solving The Plastics Problem
> Improving Water Quality
> Housing
> Energy
> In-effect, the useful outcome sought to be brought about by Human Centric
> AI systems and related supports; is to figure out how to address the
> real-world issues in our biosphere / sociosphere, that leads to negative
> consequences that act to inhibit healthy people and healthy environments
> that are needed to provide the supports required to deliver those health &
> mental wealth fundamentals.  This means that we need complex knowledge
> informatics systems; that are then able to be employed personally, with the
> use of personal information to provide context in relation to aspects of
> 'selfhood'. It is commonly the case that there are low-cost means to
> address many problems, but the barrier is whether or not the knowledge is
> available to identify and implement solutions to any such problems.
> *Consciousness*
> The studies into 'consciousness' (as afore mentioned) are applied in terms
> of seeking to attenuate the production of technology (AI / knowledge
> informatics sciences) that does not act to unduly interfere with natural
> agents.  This is increasingly now a field of study, by leading AI experts.
> Human Agency & Digital Identity
> Science & Spirituality
> Quantum
> *(note; fairly sure quantum systems, prefer vectors...)*
> *Economic*
>  See Draft Doc: Knowledge Economics: Project
> <>
>   Knowledge Economics: Project
> <>
> I have added the 'human rights' aspects into this economic section, as
> human rights are either economically supported or conversely the abuse of
> human rights for profit / gainful purpose, is materially supported…
> Thereafter, are a range of considerations highlighted via various lists.
> Human Rights
> Knowledge Capital
> Economy
> BOT models
> Mission Model Canvas
> Innovation Markets
> Coops
> Digital Receipts (note; note 'ontologically' defined in more useful ways,
> yet)
> eCash (a candidate blockchain method)
> Pervasive Surveillance
> Attention Economy
> These tech resources are mostly fairly basic…  but they may help get a
> grasp of some of the more basic concepts.  Note that the previously
> mentioned lists about Consciousness also have tech in it.
> AI
> Ethics & governance of AI (MIT)
> IoT
> New Internet
> What is Linked Data?
> Semantic Web
> Semantic Reasoning
> Virtuoso RDF Views over RDBMS Data Sources
> Ontology Tools (note; mostly via OWL presently)
> RWW (solid), Credentials & Payments
> NOTE: I have started to work on a 'RWW / Solid' based video library; but
> have not finished it.
> (Basically, all it needs is the JSON file…)
> After WSIS2023; Some work was done on seeking to figure out how to support
> the means to define a solution for SDG Learning & Knowledge Hubs
> <>
>  SDG Learning & Knowledge Hubs: ProjectConcept
> <>
> "
> The energy calculations need more work; as has, the work on figuring out
> how to define both human centric ai (for digital identity), and the
> 'medicinal earth' concept; as that relates to what might be best taught to
> people for useful purposes.
> Therein, there is both a 'recognition of prior learning' and ability to
> provide micro-credential 'wrappers' around educational content to test &
> quality what people have learned…
> This is in-turn something that is expected to enhance productivity; but
> that also, feeds into the Human Centric AI - underlying series of
> requirements; to better understand what people know, have studied and have
> gained skills, knowledge and capacities to support various kinds of work
> activities.
> seeAlso notes about Annotations - Knowledge Clouds
> <>
>  Annotations - Knowledge Couds WIP
> <>
>  …
> Webizen AI Repos
> The Webizen AI repositories have some early work defining or working to
> integrate some host systems, as well as forming the basis to the client.
> In this method, that was done prior to the events that led to renewed
> 'standards' / internet governance related works; the host seeks to use a
> containerised approach for managing end-user 'hosts' which are then
> facilitated via tailscale (wireguard) open-source libraries; that are then
> supported by a variant of WebID-TLS & WebID-DNS (that afaik, doesn't
> actually exist otherwise); the main differences are the ontological methods
> sought to be used, that required testing prior to any work to seek to
> standardise in some way.
> This then provided a RWW (early solid) based client on the host-machine;
> which could then be employed via a web-browser extension, to support
> decentralised 'social' apps; whilst, the host environment provided support
> for payments, back-ups, continual presence & 'permissive commons' supports;
> alongside, IPv6 subnets and routing in connection to a users own domain
> name (TLD); which then led to modifications of the DNS supports provided
> via the wireguard based last-mile networking solution…
> The issue that became important to address; was how to support natural
> language ontologies, which are thereby required in-order to support
> implementation.  Whilst I had plans to create a commercial implementation;
> the problem became that I did not want to seek VC investment to do works
> that should be 'commons', such as is the case with human languages…
> Additionally; some initial work was done on seeking to advance a DID for
> GIT, incorporating support for SSH…  This has not been resourced either,
> noting that there is an express difference between GIT the subversion
> control protocol that is part of linux and available on almost any system;
> vs. github, which is a centralised product / platform…
> The other issue was in seeking to establish 'values credentials'; built
> upon the use of natural language supported - human rights instruments and
> similar… alongside ontologies for 'selfhood'...
> UDHR Values Credentials
> <>
>  UDHR - Inter-Personal 'Value Credentials' Agreements
> <>
> UHR Blockchain & Economics
> <>
>  UHR Blockchain
> <>
> After some years trying to figure out how to get this done (note: UDHR in
> XML by Unicode <>)
> I then attended WSIS2023 and this led to UN GDC involvement.  This is a
> draft document (incomplete) that relates to my considerations
> <>
> ; 20230430_UNGDC InspiredDoc - DRAFT
> <>
> ISOC 'values credential' (code of conduct) draft in RDF:
> Note also, exhaustive amount of work required to illustrate or demonstrate
> considerations about the distinct values, implications, requirements, SWOT,
> etc..  alongside regionally contextual issues.
> There are many different kinds of 'artificial minds' or AI agents, indeed here
> is a list of some of them
> <>
> .
>  But the question becomes, which sorts of ones, what sorts of
> characteristics are most important to you. What sorts of characteristics
> are most important for your children, your family, your community.  This is
> an opportunity to work through all those sorts of considerations; and then,
> define the socio-technical tooling required to bring about a different kind
> of option, Human Centric AI…
> If you are interested in this topic, if you have any questions; or if
> you're interested in getting involved in the work being done RIGHT NOW -
> Please, feel welcome to reach out... There's alot that still needs to be
> done.  I am quite sure i missed at least a few things in this document, but
> will be working to put up some web-resources; whilst not seeking to be the
> person who defines it all..  I hope, we are able to forge a sustainable
> means to engage in humanitarian works for the betterment of humanity,
> globally.
> Tim.
> ------------------------------

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 10:42:02 UTC