Deployment Licensing

I've been looking at how to deploy decentralised services.

In seeking to ensure users data-rights are protected both from and by the
service operator; and, that an entities data-service is supported to be
transportable between providers; I've started looking at contract law for

Other means I've considered have failed to provide a solution that will
maintain legally binding rules upon the operational use of data, over the
data-life-cycle period; independently capable of providing support,
maintenance and grounds for enforcement independently of the 'good
intentioned' persons who may with the best of intentions, sets up these
services / potential honey pots - to begin with, but may not be in control
of the legal frameworks in which decisions are made about the use of that
equipment, throughout its operational life-cycle.

I think it is possible to build contracts that are made enforceable via fee
structures built into the contracts, as part of the penalties for breach of
contract.  I think there are many examples of how these sorts of legal
mechanics are being used effectively (ie: TTP Agreements, etc.) and whilst
the theory is very similar to the operational apparatus provided by
Creative Commons; I do wonder where the best 'home' is to collaboratively
bring people together to form these 'human centric' contracts.

I believe support for local 'rule of law' in addition to global 'shared
values' is important.  I also believe the organisation / forum / community
defining the terms of these contracts should not be solely a single actor
who operates infrastructure that depends upon it.

One idea is ISOC.  I also think WebWeWant and an array of other initiatives
may be singing from a similar 'hymn book'.

Services that are likely to be affected would include Personal Data
Storage, Credential Storage and Analytics engines (where privacy and
related considerations are desirably controllable).

Whilst it is not my intention to produce the only means for contracting /
licensing these forms of software technologies; i do think it's important a
clearly identifiable brand, is available for consumers of these future
services as to support users in making their purchasing / use decision
making; particularly in circumstances where some offers may be promoted as
being 'free' and others, in other ways.

Are others potentially interested in looking into this field of work in
more detail?

Does anyone have any other initial suggestions?


Received on Thursday, 11 February 2016 07:25:57 UTC