RE: Should nesting <header>/<footer> be allowed?

No impact on browser implementations—regardless of the outcome. Structurally they are just elements and any element can be nested inside any other element according to the DOM rules.

On the question of semantics and content model validity, that is where the outcome effects other non-browser customers. :)

From: Chaals McCathie Nevile<>
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 5:36 AM
To: HTML WG (<>
Subject: Should nesting <header>/<footer> be allowed?


Issue 273 (and the earlier issue 34
<> as well) are about <header> and
<footer> elements.

The current specification prohibits nesting them. Is there any obvious
reason to prohibit - or allow - this behaviour? Does it have any practical
impact in implementations, whether browsers, search tools, authoring
systems, etc?



Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2016 15:37:52 UTC