Re: Making all elements and attributes that contain hyphens valid

On 10/21/2013 02:29 PM, Jirka Kosek wrote:
> On 17.10.2013 10:50, Smylers wrote:
>> But for an author just wanting to create a library and start using it,
>> without having to perform any admin steps at all such as registering it,
>> it's better for their attributes to be safely within data-* than
>> polluting the global attribute namespace, and the spec should continue
>> to advise that.
>> And even for authors who would be willing to register, it should be
>> pointed out that this isn't necessary if nothing other than your own
>> library will ever be using the attributes.
> That sounds reasonable. Am I right that we seem to agree that:
> 1. data-* attributes should be encouraged for inpage scripts and
> Javascript libraries who are not yet widely recognized

What would you expect to happen once such a library becomes widely 

- Sam Ruby

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 20:37:45 UTC