Re: NU’s polyglot possibilities (Was: The non-polyglot elephant in the room)

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Alex Russell <> wrote:
> What am I missing?

You aren't missing anything.

> Under what conditions can the expectations of producers
> and consumers of polyglot documents be simplified by the addition of
> polyglot markup to their existing world/toolchain?

1) The producer wants to maintain a document as a single file of bytes
on an HTTP server that serves from the file system.
2) The producer wants to serve those bytes as text/html to cater to
the general public—including IE8.
3) The producer wants to facilitate a non-browser consumer that
  a) Does not possess a conforming HTML parser.
  b) Possesses an XML parser or a non-conforming HTML parser that
happens to barf less if the input is XML-like.
  c) Is not seeking to consume Web content in general (as that would
necessitate violating condition a).
  d) Has a line of communication back to the producer in order to
complain when the document inevitably becomes non-polyglot by accident
as a result of an edit.

So a very narrow case. Not worth a REC, in my opinion. A solution in
search of a problem.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 12:56:29 UTC