Polyglot Markup Formal Objection Response


This is a response to the Formal Objection raised on Polyglot Markup
proceeding to REC. This response was initiated as a result of the
proceeding discussions during the HTML TPAC F2F session.

It is the assertion of this response that Polyglot Markup must proceed to
REC as a W3C endorsement of the standardization of HTML\XML serialization
interoperability. The alternative publication process of a W3C NOTE does
not provide the necessary support and endorsement from the W3C as defined
within the consortium process document [1]:

"The publication of a NOTE by the Consortium implies no endorsement of any
kind. (It is even quite possible for ideas considered harmful to be
published in order to promote discussion.) Neither does a NOTE indicate
that any resources at W3C are allocated to the issues addressed by the NOTE"

There is significant investment in XHTML technologies which must be
endorsed by W3C due to the substantial working capital, knowledge and
business infrastructure which is XML based. The endorsement of Polyglot
Markup provides the standardization of interoperability which is necessary
for business to migrate to HTML5 while retaining their existing
infrastructure and without incurring significant costs and resource
depletion required for complex custom development.

The use of XML serialization is often outside of the control of many
organizations for technical or business reasons and it would be harmful to
the integrity of the web for these organizations to be unable to advance
within the endorsement and support of the W3C and the effectual guarantees
of the standardization process.

The generation, manipulation and consumption of XHTML documents through
libraries and frameworks is substantially simpler than the human-tailored
HTML serialization format. The complexity of serialization formats must be
tailored for the interests of all parties for the abilities required for
both document production and consumption.

The publication of PM as a NOTE would not pass business requirements for
the level of investment required in technological infrastructure. Due to
existing investment and overwhelming foundation on XML, this would cause
contention with business leaders and erode the integrity and trust of
stewardship of the W3C.

The working group has been polled with a margin of 62 to 16 in favor of PM
proceeding to REC. While these results are non-binding, they are indicative
of the consensus achieved to date within the working group itself and the
supported resolution of the objection.

NB: This response is the registration of discord with the FO within the
context of the resolution process and is not intended to disrupt the
encouraging progress of the discussions happening within the FO rationale

Cameron Jones

[1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/NOTE.html

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 14:44:51 UTC