Re: CP, ISSUE-30: Link longdesc to role of img [Was: hypothetical question on longdesc]

On Mar 21, 2012, at 13:24 , Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

>> Or we simply say the obvious "If the image is not a representative frame of the video, or conveys information in addition to the content of the video, then a description of that information must also be included with the description(s) of the video that are supplied for accessibility (e.g. alt, longdesc, transcript, etc.)."
> I agree with this sentence - in particular if it solves the deadlock.
> However, we don't currently have alt, longdesc or transcript
> attributes defined for video. We could say "... (e.g. aria
> attributes)." and then clarify this part of the sentence as we add
> other accessibility attributes to <video>.

Thanks.  (It is tragic we have spent so much time arguing about this detail, when we don't have the major case(s) covered - accessible non-timed alternatives to the media itself.)

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 20:32:56 UTC