On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Charles Pritchard <chuck@jumis.com> wrote:
> On 3/12/2012 3:56 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
>> But I would note that this is not what you appeared to ask, but correct
>> me if I'm wrong. It looked to me like you were stating an expectation about
>> all implementations of CDMs, as opposed to just the framework/architecture
>> expressed by the proposal. If you only intended the latter, then I agree
>> that is a fair question, and one that will be dealt with by the standard
>> call for exclusion process and WG membership process.
>> I don't see any thing out of the ordinary here that would require
>> departing from SOP. Do you?
> I don't see a reason to depart from process.
> Given that this is an API proposal, I recommend moving the thread over to
> public-webapps for future discussion.
> Unless there's an objection to that, I'll post new threads over there.
i would suggest you wait for the outcome of
it would probably be a bad idea to move this thread to webapps until the
proposed HTML5 Media TF is inaugurated