Re: Encrypted Media proposal (was RE: ISSUE-179: av_param - Chairs Solicit Alternate Proposals or Counter-Proposals)

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:

> There is currently a de facto requirement that CDMs be closed-source
> and/or royalty-encumbered.

*some* CDMs... some != all

> We don't need the content-protection vendors to offer a solution.  We
> need the video distributors to agree that ClearKey or something
> similar is sufficient for them to be happy delivering video over
> <video>, or even better, to agree that no special mechanism is
> required.

how many times must it be pointed out that video distributors don't make
this decision;  you seem to be mistaking video distributors as the
MPAA/RIAA; you need to make your case to the latter, not the former

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 20:20:25 UTC